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关于”树的好处坏处“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The advantages and disadvantages of trees。以下是关于树的好处坏处的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The advantages and disadvantages of trees

Examination is an important part of people's life, especially in the life of students. Examination has both advantages and disadvantages. First, examination is a good way to select talents, because it provides everyone with a fair competition and the opportunity to show their ability; second, examination has a good effect on students' learning and can urge them to study hard and achieve good results Performance forecast: first, second, too much examination brings heavy burden to students; second, the examination form is rigid, which is not conducive to the cultivation of new talents; third, the existing examination system is not perfect and does not have absolute fairness.





2:树木的优点和缺点,Today, many middle school students use iPhones. They think it will make them look cool and fashionable. You can bet that iPhone is a very good product.

Its functions are perfect and there are many interesting applications. But as a middle school student, our main project is learning. So, another interesting thing, such as the iPhone, will affect us And that mobile phone is very expensive, we take it will affect our safety, we should not take it to class, it will disturb the teaching order, and some students buy it to keep up with their neighbors.

We should not encourage this trend. I think that's why students should not buy iPhones.




3:树的好处坏处,Computer plays an important role in our life. Computer can help us deal with many things: data calculation, learning and entertainment, office automation, automatic control production, automatic withdrawal, remote communication. The rapid development of Computer News promotes its popularity everywhere.

All kinds of portable computers also emerge as the times require, and computers are in our life It plays a very important role. When we encounter problems, we can look up information on the Internet, and some relatively large data can be calculated by computer. We can learn a lot of knowledge in the computer, and the computer also has a lot of bad.

If it is for primary school students, I would like to say that the problem of playing computer now is that the family economic level has improved, but the eyesight of primary school students has decreased, which is playing computer There are also many advantages, such as chatting, talking questions and other useful games, which can make students' after-school life more interesting and can not indulge in the meaning of some real things in computer games. Children, for the virtual task war in computer games, so they jump down from the top and play the computer will not fall off. On the one hand, it falls behind the increasing number of high-tech products without advantages Brain these high-tech products have brought a lot of convenience to people, and may also bring misfortune to people.

Today, I want to say that for your eyesight, many children have just been born, and their eyes are good. Maybe it is because we watch TV and play computer in our class, and everyone has glasses. Some students are almost myopic.

My eyes are also good, so I can be promoted to a higher grade, Also began to drop this policeman to show us, play computer, can, watch TV, no reason, if you want to have a pair of beautiful healthy eyes, anything must have a limit, if your eyes are accompanied by TV and computer for a long time, I believe, it will not have good effect.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 万能 坏处

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