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关于”工场水污染“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Workshop water pollution。以下是关于工场水污染的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Workshop water pollution

Last Sunday, my father and I went fishing by a river. We find that the river water is too dirty, we can hardly fish in the river. Many factories always pour waste water and garbage into the river directly, so the river water will be polluted.

If the river is full of river water, most of the fish will be killed. As we all know, environmental pollution has caused great harm to biology and human beings. Now more and more people begin to realize the seriousness of this problem Our government is doing its best to take measures against pollution.

We expect that the water in every river will become cleaner and cleaner soon.




2:车间水污染,Water pollution today, with the rapid development of economy, people can buy what they need and manufacturers provide them with all the new things, so factories produce a lot of products. In order to obtain the maximum profit, they do not deal with the polluted water, which is harmful to people's health. We drink water every day, and the government controls the producers to try to solve the problem of water pollution.




3:工场水污染,Last Sunday, my father and I went fishing by a river. We find that the river water is too dirty, we can hardly fish in the river. Many factories always pour waste water and garbage into the river directly, so the river water will be polluted.

If the river is full of river water, most of the fish will be killed. As we all know, environmental pollution has caused great harm to biology and human beings. Now more and more people begin to realize the seriousness of this problem Our government is doing its best to take measures to fight against pollution.

We expect that the water in every river will soon become cleaner and cleaner, and the environment will become cleaner and cleaner.




标签: 高三 英文 作文 万能

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