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关于”简单的天气预报“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Simple weather forecast。以下是关于简单的天气预报的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple weather forecast

Let's take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province in the next few hours. Taiyuan will be cloudy and the temperature will be between

18 and 28 degrees. There will be strong winds in Datong, which may lead to a lot of rainfall.

The temperature will be sunny from the 16th to the 26th, and the highest temperature will be 30 degrees. There will be wind in Linfen and the temperature will be between 23 and 32. We will have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng.

The temperature will be between 28 and 34.






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5 ℃,

6 ℃,

6 ℃ date weather phenomenon temperature wind direction four direction wind direction, night cloudy day temperature ℃ no continuous gale, Friday day high temperature, cloudy day ℃ no continuous gale cloudy day night temperature ℃ no continuous gale cloudy day day day, no continuous high temperature ℃ breeze ℃ cold cloudy day night no continuous gale cloudy day temperature ℃ day no continuous gale ℃ daytime no persistent gale ℃ night shower No Persistent gale.




3:简单的天气预报,If it's cold enough, there may be inches of snow on Thursday or Friday, so frankly, we don't know what the weather will be like next week. This is probably the most bizarre and true weather forecast from a local channel in Portland this weekend. I still have the possibility that I will be blown away by the wind before that, which means that the cold front is swinging from Canada, and a warm current is moving up from the Pacific Ocean, or women) to understand the truth of business, people can never predict the observed weather, no There may be a lot of rain in the south, and when strong winds come from the north, it's refreshing that at least one so-called meteorologist (also known as a meteorologist, like a man who can never predict life).




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