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关于”被骗的经历“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Experience of being cheated。以下是关于被骗的经历的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Experience of being cheated

The social environment is complex, with the higher and higher degree of socialization in Colleges and universities, the school security department should, according to the characteristics of all kinds of fraud crimes, strengthen the investigation and punishment, on the one hand, strengthen the education management and security, so as to control the social employees in the campus, maintain the social order, which is not conducive to the campus and is beneficial to the cheaters. On the other hand, we should carry out special education Education, widely inform students when they are cheated, so that students can timely understand the tricks of fraudsters, learn self-protection, do not covet to defraud the interests of students in daily life, go out to do and work and study programs, through appropriate ways, will really make the situation clear, in the society, the recruitment advertisement of college students should be objectively and calmly analyzed and investigated Especially for those advertisements with generous treatment and strong temptation, we should ask why, avoid recruitment pitfalls, avoid feelings rather than rational ideas, and advocate helping others. At the same time of love, we should really clarify the real identity and intention of the other party, be more vigilant, not believe his words, don't rely on his fever, blindly sympathize with friends, pay attention to, communicate with emotion, and realize, But the simple emotion, unceasingly "follows the feeling", often credulous individual and the family material, must pay attention to keep the secret in the collective life, avoids with the others Association, but exchanges with the human must have the discretion, in principle, does not know each other completely the situation, does not easily and the family's personal data detailed maintains the high vigilance, the school should strengthen the security education, causes the more big Students should enhance their safety awareness and self-protection ability and actively fight against crimes.




2:,The social environment is complex, with the higher and higher degree of socialization in Colleges and universities, the Security Department of colleges and universities should, according to the characteristics of all kinds of fraud crimes, strengthen the investigation and punishment, on the one hand, strengthen the education management and safety management, so as to control the social employees in the campus and maintain the social order. On the other hand, we should not give cheaters a benefit from the campus It is necessary to carry out special education, widely inform students when they are being cheated, so that students can understand the tricks of the fraudsters in time, learn self-protection in daily life, do not covet for interests, college students go out to do work and study programs, through appropriate ways, make sure the actual situation clear, and objectively analyze and adjust the recruitment advertisements of college students in the society In particular, we should ask why those advertisements with generous treatment and strong temptation should be asked why to prevent recruitment pitfalls. We should avoid simple fever and avoid replacing reason with emotion.

We should really clarify the real identity and intention of each other while advocating helping others and loving each other. We should be more vigilant. We should not believe our words, nor make friends blindly with our brains Pay attention to and have feelings to communicate with emotions, while simple feelings, constantly "follow the trend", tend to believe in personal and family material, pay attention to keep secrets in college collective life, avoid contact with others, but communicate with people in a measured and principled way.

In the case of incomplete understanding of each other, do not easily keep a high degree of vigilance with the personal details of family members and actively crack down on fraud Cheater schools should strengthen safety education so that more college students can enhance their safety awareness and self-protection ability and actively fight against crimes.




3:被骗的经历,The social environment is complex, with the higher and higher degree of socialization in Colleges and universities, the Security Department of colleges and universities should, according to the characteristics of all kinds of fraud crimes, strengthen the investigation and punishment, on the one hand, strengthen education management and safety management, so as to control the employees in the society on campus, maintain social order, which is not conducive to the campus and is beneficial to the cheaters The special education should be carried out to inform the students in a wide range of cases when they are cheated, so that students can understand the tricks of the fraudsters in time, learn to protect themselves, do not covet to defraud the interests of students in daily life, go out to work study program, make sure the actual situation through appropriate ways, and objectively and calmly analyze and investigate the recruitment advertisements of college students in the society, Especially for those advertisements with good treatment and strong temptation, we should ask why we should prevent recruitment traps. We should avoid simple fever, avoid replacing reason with emotion, and advocate helping others. At the same time of love, we should really know each other's true identity and intention.

We should be vigilant. We should not believe our own words. We should not make friends with blind sympathy, but we should be careful The sense of communication should have feelings, and simple emotions, constantly "follow the feelings", tend to believe in the material attention of individuals and families, constantly hide the University in the collective life, avoid contact with others, and communicate with people in a proper way.

In principle, in the case of not fully understanding each other's situation, don't easily keep a high degree of vigilance with family's personal information details, and actively crack down on fraud points The sub schools should strengthen the safety education so that more college students can enhance their safety awareness and self-protection ability and actively fight against crimes.




标签: 考研 英文 高分 作文 经历

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