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关于”发给领导“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Send to leaders。以下是关于发给领导的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Send to leaders

Leaders gain the commitment of others through their own commitment and by creating an environment that encourages creativity. Through honest and fair operation, good leaders are not "lone Rangers". They realize that the success strategy of an organization requires the common talents and efforts of many people.

Leadership ability is the catalyst to transform these talents into achievements.




2:发送给领导,"What qualities make a good leader:) leaders constantly improve their teams. Teams with the best players usually win. That's why, very simply, you need to put the vast majority of your time and energy as a leader into three activities to ensure that the right people get the right job, to support and promote those who have the ability, to improve the performance of those who do not guide, criticize, or help others in all aspects, and build self-confidence: pour out encouragement, care and recognition Leaders who inspire and give people the courage to stretch, take risks, and transcend their dreams make people not only see the vision, but they also live and breathe.

Leaders must set and energize the vision of the team. First, goals without jargon can't be so vague that they can't hit you have to keep talking about the vision to everyone if you want people to live and breathe the vision When you give them money, give them money, whether it's salary, bonus or important recognition, and one day you'll be a leader.




3:发给领导,Some people say that it is a good phenomenon that young people want to be leaders, which shows that young people have ambition, which will encourage them to work hard. However, others think that it will only show that there are so many young people chasing fame and wealth, which is a sign that is not conducive to the healthy development of young people and the whole society. I don't think that the sentence "don't want to be a general" is not a good soldier It is encouraging that there are many young people who seek power only in the interests of the people.




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