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关于”写烦恼“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write trouble。以下是关于写烦恼的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write trouble

Dream is the exchange of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic communication environment. That's it. Now that you are completely confused, let me use a more practical language to explain that our brain is constantly active.

Different states of consciousness (such as awake, sleeping, alertness, sleepiness, excitement, boredom, concentration or daydreaming) cause different brain wave activities in our consciousness Thinking, or the part of our thinking, our "window" into life, accounts for only a small part of our brain activity (some say it's just something controlled by other regions, such as breathing, heartbeat, converting light into vision, sound to hearing, balance when walking, etc.), and it also has its own percentage (another small area controls imagination, which is a wide area Pan undiscovered frontier imagination is more about dreaming of a new car or someone taking off his clothes when you look at the clouds, see the shape, or the wood grain sees the image, which is part of your imagination of "order from chaos." the brain can't deal with chaos very well. In fact, it resists it and sometimes creates order (which is very important for the dream process, which also takes up a part of brain activity A small part then has a memory. Memory is huge, and I believe it takes up more brain resources than most people believe.




2:写麻烦,How to deal with uncivilized behaviors in the process of tourism, such as writing on historical sites, has been discussed for a long time, or this kind of thing happens more frequently in China than in any other country. What can we do to prevent these behaviors? Although we have been advocating the education of tourists for many years, in my opinion, the situation is not better than expected, we still need to drum up Encourage the education of tourists, but there are some changes. We should not only publicize and do something, but also have reasons and explanations.

It is not cool to sign or use words everywhere. On the contrary, we have to feel ashamed that comparing foreigners with us can also improve our consciousness. The results of an examination always have two purposes: winners and losers are winners, and they get high marks And pride, everyone focuses on them, but for the losers, time may become difficult, most of the losers are upset, lose confidence and live on.

For depression, although few of them are different, they learn from failure, recognize their weaknesses, and work harder for the next time with a positive attitude. I admire this most Some people, because their response to failure represents a spirit, a spirit of never giving up, a spirit of encouraging ourselves, a spirit of promoting social progress, a strong spirit, and overcoming all difficulties. This is what we can do.




3:写烦恼,Today, it seems that everyone has a blog. Of course, my parents and even my grandparents have their own blogs. Because the Internet is more accessible, blogs are becoming more and more popular around us.

I think why people like blogs so much depends on people's potential desire to write for others. Many people think that they have a talent for writing You don't need to contribute to a newspaper or magazine, but wait for the editor's approval. (if you want to write something on your blog, you will fail in many cases.

Just turn on your computer, surf the Internet, and press the "OK" button. Your new article will be on the Internet, the world Other people everywhere, even if he / she is in Africa, can immediately read your article. If he / she has a computer and can surf the Internet, blogs really provide a platform for ordinary people to show their abilities.

It is a good form for people to share opinions and obtain information. But, like many other new things, blog is also a double-edged sword. It may be different People with intentions are used to spread rumors or slander others, so blogs need to be well monitored.

As long as the relevant departments properly manage blogs, they can play a brilliant role in our society.




标签: 小升初 英文 高分 作文

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