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关于”做义工的电子“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Volunteer Electronics。以下是关于做义工的电子的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Volunteer Electronics

Volunteer activities I would like to tell you some of our plans. On November

4, we helped clean the train, on November

4 we went to the nursing home to help the elderly wash their clothes and clean their rooms, and then went to perform. Let them go to the people's park near the bicycle for repair on November


The radio station went to a nearby primary school to help them tell a story. I believe we will have it A very meaningful November.




2:,In order to recruit community volunteers to take care of the elderly in summer, I heard that the old people were not in good health and needed to take care of the young people. When they were young, they did make contributions to the society. Therefore, it is our responsibility to care for them.

I want to make use of the holidays to do something good for the society. So I hope you can give me this opportunity. If I become a volunteer, I will take care of these old people carefully It will last forever.




3:做义工的电子,In travel expeditions, our volunteer belief is that in order to make the world a better place, there is still a lot to do - no one can do anything, but each of us can do something we need to do and find something that will move us and put it into action - the projects you see on our website are initiated by people who see the needs and act on them Tourism is a way to discover new things about yourself and learn to know yourself more clearly by opening schools, establishing protected areas, establishing animal shelters, growing organic food and so on. In foreign countries, volunteer service is a way to kill time in another culture and become a part of the new community. In order to experience life from different angles, each community needs people who are willing to volunteer their time to devote their energy and money to improving the living conditions of the residents.

No one needs to travel around the world to find a good and valuable career and put their efforts into it Dedication to volunteering should be something we often do in our lives, not just when we can take a month or two off, or when we have extra money to spend on travel, your action is your voice in the world, saying loud and clear what you think is important, what you think is right, what you support, whatever you choose to do, we drum up I encourage you to continue to explore your service options, look inside yourself, and find out what motivates you to act.




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