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关于”什么是朋友“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What is a friend。以下是关于什么是朋友的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What is a friend

We all have friends. Everyone wants a real friend. Many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend.

A true friend is a little more than a very good friend. A true friend will support you even if it hurts his / her own interests. A true friend will understand your motives and needs without any analysis or criticism When we are together with you, a true friend will come forward to help you.

There is no requirement. When we need help, don't show it, and don't expect a real friend's return. You can be sure that you will get his / her help, and nothing will be done by any means.

A mother is her child's true friend. If we have this relationship with an adult, we can say that we are true friends. A real friend doesn't make excuses for work or dating or anything.

As long as you need him / her, he / she will accompany you. In times of despair, a true friend will support you, even if the whole world is against you A true friend is not an opportunist. A true friend is a person who is like a mother.

As I said before, don't have hundreds of good friends. If you have a real friend, if you can become a real friend, then give yourself luck, you will be blessed, because all of us are easy to look forward to, but it is difficult to first Give yourself to a true friend.




2:什么是朋友,People have to make a lot of friends in their life, but the best friends are not as many as me. My best friend is Lucy, a girl I met in primary school. She helped me a lot.

We share our happiness and sadness. When I encounter problems, we share our secrets. She will help me.

This is what the best friend should be.




3:什么是朋友,What is a friend? A friend is a person you don't always meet, but whenever you need help, he or she will always lend a helping hand. People come and people go, but friends come to our lives and stay here to share our laughter and tears, because of them, our life will never be the same.




标签: 小学 作文 真题 朋友

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