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关于”以我的为题“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:On my topic。以下是关于以我的为题的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:On my topic

I have some hobbies that I can spend a lot of free time and make my life colorful. I like playing basketball. It's very interesting.

It helps me to keep healthy. I know that basketball is good for my health. When I was a junior high school student, basketball accompanied me.

It made me have a sense of achievement. For example, we won a basketball game. Today, my friends and I were very happy I hope I can make a lot of friends.

My life is inseparable from basketball. Another hobby is watching TV. For many people, TV has become an important source of information and entertainment.

In the past decade, it has provided us with all kinds of information and entertainment. Many people are in a family. After dinner, we get used to getting together and turning on our frequency Tao, just like I am not only happy about the major events in the world, but also interested in sports events, music and drama news.

Some people even spend the whole night watching TV until I feel tired or there is nothing on the screen. Some people worry about the harm of TV to some people, especially children and teenagers, such as some sex channels or violence Force channel is not good for us. We should choose a good channel carefully.

Besides, I study in school. I have a lot of spare time and hobbies which are more important to me. They make my daily life wonderful.




2:,I have a pen friend. She is from Korea. We write a letter a week.

We have a lot in common. We have black eyes, black hair and yellow skin on weekends. We like to go to the movies with our friends, but we are different.

For example, my favorite subject is geography, her favorite subject is biology, and we are good friends.




3:以我的为题,Yesterday's father's Day was father's day. I planned to give my father a present, but it was too late to send him a card the next morning, so I decided to buy something for my father. When I was in the department store, I found it was not easy to choose the right thing for him.

Suddenly I had an idea. I ran home to turn on the computer. I made a beautiful card and sent it to him through the Internet.

Then I started cooking dinner. When Dad came home, he was happy to see a big meal on the table, and then I asked him to check his email. He was surprised to find a beautiful card in his mailbox.

It was a surprise.





标签: 初中 作文 真题 为题

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