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关于”丢行李说明行李的重要性“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The loss of baggage indicates the importance of baggage。以下是关于丢行李说明行李的重要性的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The loss of baggage indicates the importance of baggage

Feishuo is similar to a giant panda bear, but its head is short and its head and body are black and white. Its body length can reach cm and its tail end is cm long. It is white and weighs kg.

In the first round, in addition to five forepaws with claws and toes, the trunk of the sixth toe is a white tail. The liang'er, eyes, scapula and limbs are black, brown or light gray, and the abdomen is black ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^).


熊猫飞朔酷似大熊猫熊,但头端短,头和身体颜色黑白分明,其体长可达厘米,尾端长至厘米,白色,体重达公斤,头一轮除五只前掌有爪趾外,还有一只第六趾的躯干是一条白色的尾巴,梁儿,眼周、肩胛骨及四肢部均为黑色、棕色或浅灰色腹部黑色^ ^)。


2:,Weather forecast is very important to us. It makes us prepare for tomorrow and make our life more convenient. For example, it gives us the opportunity to know what damage may occur so that we can take immediate and effective measures to control the danger.

Besides, what clothes should we wear to go out tomorrow? Since we have the weather forecast, there is no such problem any more. In short, weather forecast is essential in our daily life.





3:丢行李说明行李的重要性,In order to study well in high school, I must be prepared first. I think I should learn more English words in summer vacation, because the more English words I can use, the more articles I can understand; secondly, I can chat with foreign friends on the Internet, not only can I make friends from other countries, but also I can improve my English level. In fact, learning English is very interesting.

We can find that English culture attracts us so much. In short, I will try my best to make good use of the Internet in the summer vacation.




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