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关于”吸烟的五点危害“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Five hazards of smoking。以下是关于吸烟的五点危害的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Five hazards of smoking

It is estimated that in China, smokers account for half of the total population. Although more and more people are aware of the dangers of smoking, some people still like smoking. Why do some people think that smoking is a kind of fashion, some people think that smoking is very interesting, while others think that smoking can actually invigorate ourselves and bring us a lot of bad effects.

First of all, it is harmful to our health and can cause many diseases. At the same time, smoking is a waste of money. In addition, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

Smoking is not It is harmful only to smokers themselves, but also to non-smokers. I hope all smokers can quit smoking to create a clean environment.




2:吸烟的五大危害,The impact of tobacco on health is significant, which depends on the way tobacco is used (smoking, not smoking or chewing) and the main impact of smoking on health. The World Health Organization estimates that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease in developed countries. The causes of death in men and women are similar.

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention in the United States describes the use of tobacco as "on the rise" Smoking is the single most important preventable risk to human health and an important cause of premature death worldwide. In developed countries, smoking rates are flat or declining, while in developing countries, smoking rates continue to rise in developing countries. In the developing world, the smoking rate of adults in the United States has dropped by half from to, and tobacco consumption is increasing every year.




3:吸烟的五点危害,Smoking, which can be fun for some people, has expressed concern about the health effects of smoking, not only for those who are smoking, but also for those living in air polluted by tobacco smoke. Studies have shown that non-smokers suffer more than smokers themselves. Many students participate in persuading universities to ban smoking in theaters, cinemas and other public places.

Therefore, smoking must be banned in our classrooms. Although many people die of excessive smoking, we call on people to quit smoking. However, more people will refuse what we say every day, which I think is more important What is called on smokers to use correct judgment and show concern for others.




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