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关于”对未来生活的期待“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Expectations for future life。以下是关于对未来生活的期待的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Expectations for future life

Life in the future now, people are getting richer and richer. Let's think about what life will be like in the future. We don't have to change a lot of clothes every day.

We will wear a special kind of clothes. When we feel cold, we can feel warm. When we feel hot, we will be cool.

They will have many beautiful colors. We can change the colors we like in the future In order to choose more and more food, they will be much better than they are now, they will not be very expensive, we can buy them for a small amount of money, right? All of us will live in beautiful houses, and when we want to change where we live, it can move anywhere, which will make us soon have no trouble, we won't have to take the bus or ourselves Car to work, everyone will have a small and useful plane, we can fly to any place we want to go, how beautiful the future will be, maybe every family will have a robot, our mother will not be busy with housework, when we are in a bad mood, they will not be tired, we do not have to go to the hospital to see a doctor, teachers do not have to go to school to work, because they can pass the i The World Wide Web collected by zuowencom is used to teach students. Life in the future will be much better than it is now.

I think it will come true.




2:,I have a lot of imagination about life in the future. I want to summarize my imagination in two words. The first word is that the future is fast.

We will have faster transportation now. No matter how far we go, it only takes a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or other places where people can go to live on other planets.

The second word is very convenient because With the rapid development of our society, a lot of work can be done by computers or even robots. Many things are fully automatic. Human beings can complete complex tasks with simple instructions.

With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed greatly in the past century. Many things that could not have happened before have become reality, Therefore, our life will also change, our life rhythm will be greatly accelerated, because we will help many machines to complete our work, many things can be done independently, so people will have more time to play, people can freely travel in outer space, space shuttle can take people far away from the earth, human may live on other planets And our environment will be much better than now, because we have taken some effective measures to protect the environment. The earth is still a beautiful home for human life in the future.

I think I will become a doctor, because at that time I may help a lot of people. Children don't have to go to school. They use computers to study at home.

I also have robots in my home. He may help us do a lot of housework, In the future, we don't need money, because everything is free. I like the future life) sports.




3:对未来生活的期待,With the rapid development of high technology, our life will change greatly in many aspects in the future. People will become richer and richer. Let's think about the future life.

We don't have to change a lot of clothes every day. We will wear a special kind of clothes. We feel warm when we are cold and cool when we are hot.

They will have many beautiful colors We can fly to any place we like, we can choose more and more food, we can change the color we like at any time, we need to go to school to work, because they can teach students through the world wide web, what will life be like in the future? They don't spend too much money on housework. Teachers will feel warm when we feel cold in the future. When we feel hot, we will feel cool.

We don't need to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Maybe every family will have a robot. When we feel bad, it will take us quickly and without any trouble.

People are getting richer and richer. It is our life Living in many ways will change a lot. We won't be tired.

They will "how nice! They will be much better than now. Everyone will have a small and useful airplane. I think it will come true.

Our future life will be much more wonderful than now. When we want to change the place we live in, we have to change a lot of clothes every day, thinking that it can move anywhere, All of us will live in beautiful houses. We'll go to work by bus or bike.

In the future, we will wear a special kind of clothes. In the future, they will have many beautiful colors. With the rapid development of high technology, we can now buy them for a small amount of money,.





标签: 专升本 作文 满分 生活

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