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关于”以我家乡的变化写一篇“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Write an article about the changes in my hometown。以下是关于以我家乡的变化写一篇的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about the changes in my hometown

In the past, my hometown was very small. Ten years ago, we couldn't live a good life. The road was too narrow.

We didn't have money to provide children with school. Now we have a good life. The house is big and clean.

We have our own car. Thanks to the free education, children can continue to study. My hometown has changed a lot.

I think in the future, it will be even more JIAMEILI.




I have lived in a small town for ten years. In the past, great changes have taken place in my hometown. People live a terrible life.

They used to live in old houses with garbage everywhere. The environment is polluted, the traffic is inconvenient and there are few visitors. Now the situation has changed a lot.

People have moved into the big bright houses. Many people have their own cars. They live a happier life.

People pay more attention to environmental protection. The mountains are greener, the water is cleaner, and the sky is cleaner. Many tourists come here for vacation.

I love my hometown. I hope it will become more and more beautiful.




In the past ten years, I live in a small town. Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past. People live a terrible life.

They used to live in old houses. There is garbage everywhere. The environment is polluted and the traffic is inconvenient.

Now few people visit. The situation has changed greatly. People move into bright big houses.

Many people have their own cars. They live a happier life People pay more attention to environmental protection, the mountains become more green, the water is cleaner, they enjoy a more sunny sky, many tourists come here for holiday, I love my hometown, I hope it will become more and more beautiful.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题 家乡

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