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关于”高的比较级“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:High comparative grade。以下是关于高的比较级的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:High comparative grade

Honey, now I'm talking to you about my family. The man with glasses is my father. He is taller than my mother.

The woman with a hat is my mother. She has long curly hair. The lovely girl is my sister.

She is shorter than me. But she is much smarter than me. It is the boy next to my sister.

I wear sunglasses. It's cool. Isn't it yours.




2:,My friend I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. She is a year old.

I am one year older than her. Her eyes are bigger than mine. Her hair is black and long.

My hair is several centimeters higher than her. Betty is about kilogram. I am kilogram.

So she is thinner than me. Betty is a beautiful and helpful girl. She does better.

She often helps me learn English. We will always be good friend.




3:高的比较级,The spring girls come with more beautiful scenery. The color of flowers and flowers is much more than in summer. In autumn and winter, there are red flowers, yellow flowers, white flowers, such as jasmine, tulip and rose, which are bigger than other seasons.

In addition, all kinds of grass are more lovely than other seasons. Spring is colder than summer, warmer than autumn and winter, and spring wind is milder than other seasons. Children grow faster in spring, so I love spring more than other seasons.




标签: 八年级 作文 万能 年级

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