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Fruit salad is delicious and healthy. If you want to learn how to do it, please do as I say. All you need is an apple, three strawberries and some yoghurt.

Now everything is ready. Let's peel and chop the apple slices and three strawberries in a bowl, and then put a few teaspoons of yogurt in the bowl and stir the fruit salad. It's ready.

Try it. Isn't it delicious.




Fish and chips or fish and chips (also in Scotland, northern England, and Northern Ireland: a popular take away food, including fried fish or breadcrumbs and chips in batter. For decades, fish and chips have dominated the takeaway food industry in the UK and Australia, and New Zealand has been in Canada, Ireland and South Africa, Denmark and some coastal towns in Norway In the United States, this dish is called fish filetter ("fish fillet"), and fish and chips (usually thin chips, locally known as "French fries" (see below) have spread across the country as the pillars of chain restaurants such as long John Silver's, Captain D's and Arthur Treacher's fish and) Chips, most of the southeastern states use catfish instead of the traditional white fish of other places.


炸鱼和薯条或炸鱼薯条(也在苏格兰、英格兰北部和北爱尔兰:一种受欢迎的外卖食品,包括面糊中的油炸鱼或面包屑和油炸土豆条几xx年来,炸鱼和薯条在英国、澳大利亚的外卖食品行业占主导地位,新西兰在加拿大、爱尔兰和南非丹麦以及挪威的一些沿海城镇也形成了另一个炸鱼薯条的据点,在美国,这道菜被称为fiskefiletter(“鱼片”),炸鱼和薯条(通常是较薄的薯条,在当地被称为“炸薯条”(见下文)已经遍布全国,作为连锁餐厅的支柱,如Long John Silver's、Captain D's和Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips,东南部各州大多使用鲶鱼,而不是其他地方传统的白鱼。


Lemon & Paeroa, also known as L & P, is a sweet soft drink produced in New Zealand. Traditionally, lemon juice is mixed with carbonated mineral water from the town of Paeroa. It is now produced by the multinational company cocacola.

Lemon & paeoa can only buy New Zealand natural ice cream and other products in New Zealand (as well as New Zealand stores and other stores in Australia). The contradictory advertising slogan "New Zealand is world famous" has become a New Zealand catchphrase, meaning that it is very famous in the local area, but it has not been recognized as it should be. For many years, people have been trying to change the market, such as L &P dry added the artificial sweetener aspartame to "sweet as L & P", and the advertising slogan of aspartame was changed to "world famous in New Zealand recently", and the current advertising slogan of traditional products was "world famous in New Zealand since ancient times".

Although L & P is now produced on the same line as other coca cola drinks, there is still an L & P kiwiana store and cafe in Paeroa.


Lemon&Paeroa,又名L&P,是一种在新西兰生产的甜味软饮料,传统上是将柠檬汁与来自Paeroa镇的碳酸矿泉水混合而成,现在由跨国公司Cocacola生产。Lemon&Paeroa只在新西兰(以及在澳大利亚的新西兰专卖店以及其他商店)才能买到新西兰天然冰淇淋等产品这一矛盾的广告口号“新西兰举世闻名”已成为新西兰一句流行语,意思是在当地非常有名,但却没有得到应有的认可,多年来,人们一直在尝试市场变化,如L&P dry在“Sweet as L&P”中加入了人造甜味剂阿斯巴甜的广告语改为“最近在新西兰举世闻名”,传统产品现在的广告语是“自古以来在新西兰举世闻名”。尽管L&P现在与可口可乐的其他饮料在同一生产线上生产,但在Paeroa仍有一家L&P Kiwiana商店和咖啡馆。


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