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关于”免疫系统的结构和功能“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Structure and function of immune system。以下是关于免疫系统的结构和功能的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Structure and function of immune system

I like watching movies very much, because movies are easy to attract my attention. I will soon be immersed in stories, unlike books full of words, which makes me easily tired. One of the functions of movies is to quickly attract people's attention.

Movies are interesting, and people can clearly see what happened. Another important function of movies is to show people culture. We can learn from them We can see the culture of various countries in the film.

A good film reflects the director's views or values of the world like an American film. Personal heroism is everywhere. In reality, Americans do advocate personal heroism.

They pursue individuality in Indian films. We can see that there are many poor people and women. That is, good movies are not what people learn A good way.




%The advantages of wearing school uniform are firstly to avoid competition, the comparison between students and schools, secondly, the psychological balance of children with different family living conditions. Secondly, it has the function of education. Cultivating students to wear school uniform will have a good sense of teamwork and collective honor.

In behavior, it will naturally require students themselves. Thirdly, protection should be made to wear school uniform to facilitate social supervision In and out of not easy to place video games, bars, etc. should also be in accordance with the requirements of school uniforms, cotton fabric consumption is not less than air permeability and wearing comfort, good for the health of students.




We all know that the computer is the most important invention of the century. Since its emergence, it has been greatly developed, and our daily life has also undergone great changes. Computers can think and remember things like people, but it is millions of times faster than the speed of human beings.

Therefore, computers have been used in fields such as agricultural industry education. We can learn with computers at home instead of going to school. Computers have entered our daily life, so it is very important for us to learn how to use computers.

We have to start using computers now. The computer is a wonderful machine. It has been widely used in industry and universities.

Computers have applications in many aspects, and can do many kinds of work. For example, computers can help us quickly solve mathematical problems. Some problems are too difficult for us, but computers can be used.

Scientists can ask computers some questions. Computers can answer them on the screen of automobile factories. It is very useful for computers to tell robots how to deal with automobile computers Buy a computer for their children in the hope that it can help them improve their studies, but some children do not follow the requirements of their parents, because they use computers to surf the Internet, spend too much time playing computer games instead of learning, which is bad for their eyesight.

Therefore, their parents complain that computers can not help their children learn, but also make them lag behind computers in many companies Many people are unemployed, not workers. So many workers think that computers have brought them a lot of trouble. If computers are good or bad to us, it's hard to say.

So I hope computers can be used in the right way.






标签: 考研 英文 作文 万能

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