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关于”宠物的食物“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Pet food。以下是关于宠物的食物的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pet food

I have a lovely pet. It is a kitten. Its name is candy.

It looks like candy. It has white and acid colors. It is smaller than ordinary cats.

When I saw it in the market for the first time, I liked it. So I asked my mother to buy it for me. I succeeded in it.




(pets) pets are animals that people keep or keep in recent years. More and more people, whether old or young, rich or poor, like to keep dogs, cats, monkeys and other pets. Pets are loved by people.

They are not only good friends of their owners, but also become members of the family. Sometimes their behavior is better than human beings, because they always obey their masters and are loyal to their masters My heart is full of heart. There are many stories that tell us that a pet saved his owner's life and even traveled all the way home, which made them more lovely.

In addition, trained pets are also very helpful. Trained dogs can help blind people walk. Well trained pigs can even find drugs from imported goods.

However, pets sometimes cause troubles. Some pets, such as dogs or snakes, may attack people unexpectedly. Many people get sick or infected because of the virus carried by pets.

Some pets are dirty and poisonous. We don't Advocate keeping pets.




Note: in this section, you can write a composition about keeping pets in a few minutes. You should at least write down the following words according to the following Chinese outline: some people keep dogs or cats as pets, while others keep all kinds of birds or fish as pets @ wwwforcom However, some people are against keeping animals as pets. On the other hand, animals have the right to live a natural life like human beings.

The way people keep pets has a negative impact on the surrounding environment, such as dogs chasing people on the street. Some animals will spread some diseases. In my opinion, I don't like the idea of keeping pets.

We should not deprive them of their natural rights in this way Other creatures live in harmony.


说明:在这一部分中,你可以用几分钟的时间写一篇关于养宠物的作文,你至少应该按照下面的中文大纲写下以下的文字:有些人养小狗或猫当宠物,而有些人养各种各样的鸟或鱼作为宠物@wwwforcom 然而,有些人反对把动物当作宠物养,另一方面,动物有权像人类一样过自然的生活,人们养宠物的方式对周围环境有负面影响,比如狗在街上追人等等,有些动物会传播一些疾病‰在我看来,我不喜欢养宠物的想法我们不应该这样剥夺它们的自然权利,我们将与其他生物和谐共处。


标签: 高二 翻译 高分 作文 宠物

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