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关于”拒绝求职“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Refuse to apply for a job。以下是关于拒绝求职的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Refuse to apply for a job

I'm really glad to be invited to your birthday party. Unfortunately, I will have an exam next Monday, so I regret to tell you that I may not be able to attend your birthday party in any case. I can wish you "happy birthday, may all your wishes come true" in advance.




Air transport is increasingly being used to export many types of fruits and vegetables to countries where plants can't grow or are out of season. Some people say that this is a good thing, but others think that the use of air transport is unreasonable. Discuss two views and put forward their own opinions.

2. Transportation and housing problems in major cities can be solved by moving large companies and factories and their employees to agriculture Do you agree or disagree that the old transportation infrastructure is poor, the traffic control is fast, the population growth is insufficient, the housing supply is insufficient, the city, the big company, and the factory may suffer the huge economic loss, because it is usually more difficult to operate in the remote place than in the city.




How can I learn to say "no" tell me more about learning to say no. you suggest confidence training answer: it's hard to learn to say no. people with low self-esteem usually lack self-confidence and think that they must meet everyone's expectations.

They are hard to set limits on others. Sometimes they feel ashamed or guilty. If they say no but do something against your will, they may eventually feel exploited And resentment a simple and direct "no, I can't help you" is the best solution.

If you want to (have to) give an explanation, you should keep it simple: "no, I've already made an appointment for another time or" no, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have to refuse because I don't have free time "or other ways to say No: I can.




标签: 专升本 英文 作文 万能 范文

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