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关于”个人声誉“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Personal reputation。以下是关于个人声誉的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Personal reputation

Fame is very much like an animal chasing its tail. When he catches it, he does not know what else to do, except to keep chasing fame and the pleasant popularity that comes with it. He forces celebrities to participate in his or her own destruction.

Those who gain fame are usually due to a talent or skill: singing, dancing, painting or writing, etc In the end, the performers began to get tired of singing the same songs in the same way year after year, or painters were tired of painting similar scenes or portraits, or actors were tired of doing the same things If an artist tries to change his writing style, dance style or singing style, the audience may turn to look and give him a rapidly changing reputation. Fame and fame, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all neatly woven into one Seamless fabric, we laugh reality, I say to those who are desperate for fame and wealth, celebrity: good luck. But when you catch your tail, your success, your reputation and keep chasing your tail, what will you do? If you catch it, you have to stick with it, because falling is not as painful as landing.

You'll soon be famous, almost famous.




2:个人声誉,Stroll along the Seine River, browse art vendors, colorful paintings, peep at carefully preserved gardeners through exquisite iron gates, making French attention to details become synonymous with French cuisine. No matter where you look, you will see it on the porch or arch, the small fountain and the antique balcony, and you will find that the daily necessities are artistically turned into works.




3:个人声誉,Now, we are faced with a lot of opportunities when choosing a job, but how to choose has become a problem. Some people may choose a job with high salary, while others will choose the job they are interested in. I agree with the latter.

My reason is: first of all, if we are interested, interest is the best teacher. If we are interested in work, besides the work itself, we can get other happy experiences. If we are interested in our work, we will try our best to make it better and better.

Secondly, interest can promote us to make progress in our work. Thirdly, high salary is a temptation from the beginning. But as time goes on, if you are not interested in your work, you will feel bored, and you have no motivation to make progress, no matter whether the job is well paid or not You have to be interested in it, because interest can make you progress, make more money and get a higher salary.





标签: 小学 作文 万能 个人

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