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关于”有关军训“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Relevant military training。以下是关于有关军训的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Relevant military training

In our country, when we go to middle school, we must take part in the military training that most students are afraid of, because military training often happens in hot summer, the weather is too hot to stand on, and the students have to stay outside all day, training is very difficult, students must learn to become an old man, they must abide by many rules they do not have to abide by in their daily life And the trainers are very strict with the students. They really care about the students like our teachers. However, military training is a good way to cultivate students' strong willpower.

It is beneficial to students' life and necessary for every student.




2:,In the days of military training, we are looking forward to the day when the last week's military training begins. Each of us conscientiously does his own work and practices for more than

6 hours every day. Although the sun was scorching at that time, we always tried to meet the high standards required.

They asked us to sweat heavily, and we would not wipe them after three days. Our faces were tanned, and we were happy and proud of it. Our platoon leader is a young PLA soldier.

When he was about

20 years old, he was very strict with us in training. Later, through talking with him, we not only learned more about military life, but also about military affairs. Military training has made us disciplined and brought us great happiness, which we will never forget.





3:有关军训,In our country, when we go to middle school, we must take part in military training, because military training often happens in the hot summer, the weather is too hot to stand, and the students have to stay outside all day, training is very hard, students must learn to be a solder in daily life, abide by many rules they do not have to abide by.




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