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关于”去年的寒假“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Last year's winter vacation。以下是关于去年的寒假的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Last year's winter vacation

The new year is coming. Time flies. It's time to look back on the past days.

In order to improve myself, I think of the goal I set last year. I made up my mind to read some books. I went to many places with my friends in the summer vacation.

I did travel with my friends. I learned a lot in the travel. I became more independent, but I didn't achieve the goal of reading The reason is that my study is too busy.

I know that this is just an excuse for my weakness. Sometimes I am just lazy, and even I have enough time to complete my task. So in the new year, I must finish reading books and broaden my horizons.

I only need to read one hour a day.




2:去年的寒假,Now big cities are not allowed to set off firecrackers on festivals. Some people oppose it, but I agree with this view. Some people think that setting off firecrackers is a traditional way to celebrate important festivals, especially the Spring Festival.

It can express people's feelings of happiness and sadness, and let people enjoy the festival. On the other hand, we all know that setting off fireworks will cause a lot of trouble, which may cause a lot of trouble Fire and air pollution will cause harm to people's eyes and hearing. If fireworks are not set off correctly, people will be injured, disabled or even dead, which will bring great sorrow to the family.

We can see that I agree that there are more adverse factors in not setting off firecrackers. We should seek other ways to express our happiness.




3:去年的寒假,We have winter vacation every year. This winter vacation is more or less different from last year. I have more homework to do.

This year, I spend more time answering questions from teachers on my mobile phone. Of course, I also play more games than last year. I believe I have made greater progress than last year.




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