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关于”处理与父母的关系“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Dealing with parents。以下是关于处理与父母的关系的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dealing with parents

If I am a parent, I will trust my children first, let them know that I love them, let them know that I care about them very much, make them feel warm and safe. Secondly, I will have a dialogue with children. There is no generation gap between parents and children.

If you always exchange opinions with your children, and thirdly, if my children want to keep his or her own secrets Mi, what do you want to do, don't want to tell me (I think every child wants to do this, if it doesn't make a serious mistake (such as breaking the law, even if they fail, I will allow them to do so, at least in the end is a good experience for them, sometimes like a child, like a child, imagine, if you are a child, you will understand Your child, it's not hard, is it.




2:,Most relationships between children and their parents are usually due to nerds, or one of the most critical problems: they can't understand and trust each other. You don't think that parents will find some ways to touch your interests, nor will they find ways to deceive you. There is no need for extra worry and care.

Your relationship with other people is not good and may become permanent harm to children and children Parents are always parents and children.





3:处理与父母的关系,There are several ways to improve the relationship between your roommates. First of all, when you or your roommate encounter any problems, discomfort or disagreements, communication between them plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy relationship. It is very important for both of you to discuss this matter.

If you don't like what your roommate says to him or her, don't choose to keep everything in mind. Let them know about it, discuss it with them, and then have a grudge against your roommate. Second, you and your roommate must make a schedule, arrange roles and house chores, and be responsible for the tasks assigned to you based on each other's ability.

If you sweep the floor and finish the task today, don't be lazy or be a last-minute worker. Cooperation is very important for a good relationship between roommates.





标签: 高一 英文 作文 万能 关系

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