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关于”调研目“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Research purpose。以下是关于调研目的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Research purpose

I like playing basketball best in XXX, because I like playing basketball best in my classmates I am a happy boy / girl/.


我自己的名字是XXXXXXI在诺克斯中学我是一个好学生,我有很多好同学他们是XXX,XXX,XXX,所以我喜欢用他们最喜欢的主题音乐打篮球我认为这是放松自己我喜欢吃鱼有非常好的我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色我最喜欢的电影是动作片因为它很刺激我最喜欢的演员是jet LiThis我是一个快乐的男孩/女孩/。


2:研究目的,There's a hard decision to make. Why not consider German carefully? A new study shows that if people think in a language other than their mother tongue, they tend to make more reasonable and less risky decisions In a psychological science research report in April, Dr. Kaiser's team wrote that human reasoning is shaped by systematic and rational ideas, while the other is emotional and rapid.

The team brought together students from the University of California, who used Spanish as a second language to place bets on a coin toss. Each student got a dollar bill, and if they bet and won, they could bet one dollar on the front or back at a time. If they experiment in English, they can win dollars without losing anything.

Students are narrow-minded and only place bets about half of the time, but when the same students hear the instructions in Spanish, they bet% of the time on the conclusion. Then, these scientists believe that thinking in a foreign language can keep people away from hasty emotional decisions and make decisions more logical. The hope, they wrote, is that people can think in a foreign language to make more cautious decisions about financial and economic decisions.


有一个很难做出的决定为什么不仔细考虑一番德语一项新的研究表明,如果人们用母语以外的语言思考,那么他们倾向于做出更合理、风险更小的决定芝加哥大学的博阿斯·凯撒(Boaz Keysar)进行的一系列实验,让科学家们相信使用外语可以减少决策偏差,凯撒博士的研究小组在xx月份的一份心理科学研究报告中写道,人类的推理是由系统的、理性的想法塑造的,而另一种则是情绪化的、快速的。研究小组召集了加州大学的学生,他们把西班牙语作为一种语言第二语言在掷硬币上下注每个学生得到美元钞票,如果他们下注并赢了,他们可以一次在正面或反面下注1美元。如果他们用英语进行实验,他们可以赢美元而不输任何东西。



3:调研目,Afee5aeb "Market Research" "Market Research" this is the work of market research, market research is an important part of the market information system, it is characterized by problem-oriented, in addition to these advantages, the scanner in four important ways to reduce the manager's market investigation task, forecast and communicate with customers, understand and confirm customer needs and expectations, organize and open New projects include: Market Research, collection of customer voice, etc: Survey: quantitative research survey method, a method of collecting quantitative information about projects in the population payment computer, a method of collecting consumers' opinions on products by paying consumers to participate in computer games, geographic survey, technology and science of measuring the position and distance of the earth, etc The method of collecting information by aerial photogrammetric cadastral survey is used to record land ownership through the production of documents, charts, platforms and maps, dominion land Survey, a method used to divide most of western Canada into a

1 square mile public land survey system for agricultural and other uses. In the United States, it is used to survey and determine plot survey villages and towns. The U.S.

public land survey system geoscience geological survey uses a square land unit with a side length of

6 miles (km) for the production of geological maps or geophysical models In this paper, the author introduces a new method of underground survey, which is used to collect geophysical data for space research, soil investigation, mapping of soil properties and types in hydrological survey of specific areas, collection of information about navigable waters for safe navigation of ships, cave survey and three-dimensional mapping of underground caverns. The resulting map is also known as surveying: ▬ surveying.


afee5aeb“市场调查”“市场调查”这是市场调查的工作,市场调查是市场信息系统的一个重要组成部分,它以问题导向为特点,在这些优势之外,扫描器以四种重要的方式减轻了管理者的市场调查任务,预测和与客户沟通,了解和确认客户的需求和期望,组织和开发新项目包括:市场调查,收集客户声音etc:调查:定量研究调查方法,一种在人口付费计算机中收集有关项目的定量信息的方法,一种公司通过向参加电脑游戏的消费者付费来收集消费者对产品的意见的方法地理测量,测量地球上的位置和距离的技术和科学,利用航空摄影地籍测量收集信息的方法,用于记录土地所有权,通过制作文件、图表、平台和地图Dominion land Survey,用于将加拿大西部大部分地区划分为1平方英里的农业和其他用途公共土地调查系统的一种方法,在美国用于调查和确定地块调查乡镇,美国公共土地调查系统地球科学地质调查所使用的一种方形土地单位,边长6英里(公里),用于制作地质图或地球物理模型的地下调查,用于空间研究的地球物理数据的系统收集土壤调查,在特定区域水文测量中绘制土壤性质和种类的地图,为船舶安全航行而收集有关适航水域的信息洞穴调查,地下洞室的三维绘图。由此产生的地图也被称为勘测测量:▬测量。


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