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关于”去海滨公园“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Go to the seaside park。以下是关于去海滨公园的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Go to the seaside park

There is a park. It is a big and beautiful park. There are two doors, the north gate and the west gate.

Many people park their bicycles in front of the gate. There is a shop in the north gate. When you enter the park from the north gate, you will find that there is a big square on your right and a playground in the west of the park.

You will see many trees and flowers around.




2:去海滨公园,It was a sunny day, warm sunshine and warm early summer wind. On weekends, we spend our holidays on the beach, where there are a group of tourists and boats. We found many beautiful and unique shells on the beach.

We had a comfortable sunbath and then took a lot of pictures of the coast. We all had a wonderful day and hope we can spend time like this next time on the holiday.





3:去海滨公园,From what you can see on the left and right are open water and sand. Small splashes are open water and sand. Sea shell fragments are scattered on the sand.

The sand is covered with small holes. Crabs feel soft and warm when they dig in the wind. The water in the distance is not very cold.

The sun is changing from yellow to orange, and then to the red ball hanging on the horizon. There is a long gray on the horizon The color line has been cut by the outline of a boat or a fisherman's boat. Here, poets, writers and artists try to use language and painting to capture peace and tranquility.




标签: 六级 高分 作文 公园

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