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Your lack of preparation means that you are usually well prepared for every task you set yourself high standards for, and always feel anxious that you will end up with a bad result, but no one else is judging your behavior: when you judge yourself too harshly, you will feel like a failure, no matter how successful you are, and leave the dream The best way is to think about what makes you happiest and most fulfilling in your life. It's usually something happy and spontaneous that doesn't require endless preparation. Do it now.

You're flying. Dream: first you have the feeling of floating, then you fly up into the sky, fly across the sky, you have a great excitement in the air. although you are free from the possibility of a new freedom of movement, you can feel like you are free from the traffic In a runaway vehicle, slowing down for fear of a crash means: you're thinking about the road you're on.

In life, usually in your career, when you have a plan, the situation is out of control. An imminent collapse indicates that you are going to have contact or conflict with something inevitable: rather than give up your present position, consider one Don't be afraid to ask someone else for help to get you back in the driver's seat and accept some situations that you can't control.



梦想:首先你有飘浮的感觉,然后你飞上天空,飞过天空空气中你有一种巨大的兴奋感。意思是:你已经从重压你的环境中解脱出来,你没有束缚,让你感觉像鸟儿一样自由行动:尽管你可能把这种解放的感觉视为幸运,你自己创造了这个机会,考虑一下生活中的其他机会,在那里你可以进入新的可能性的领域 你在一辆失控的交通工具中 梦想:你在一辆失控的交通工具中,因为害怕撞车而拼命减速 意思是:你在思考你正在走的路在生活中,通常在你的职业生涯中,当你有一个计划的时候,情况正在失控一场迫在眉睫的崩溃表明你将与一些不可避免的事情发生接触或冲突:与其放弃你现在的位置,不如考虑一下你有控制权的领域不要害怕向别人寻求帮助帮你回到驾驶座上接受有些情况你无法控制。


Agronomy May 7 today, I went to see my uncle in the countryside to see vegetables and wheat. I couldn't help asking him how he planted them. So Weber said that agronomy is very important.

It includes: choosing the best seeds, keeping the soil in good condition, deep ploughing and sowing, planting seedlings at the appropriate time, changing the crops in the field, giving sufficient water, and light fertilizer well technology.




Virginia Woolf / a man who realizes that he is independent from now on. He is never tired, his life is only short, he is immersed in deep and gentle happiness, while others, the slaves of ceremony, let life disappear in a dream. Once united, once they do something better than others, a sleepy person occupies the soul With all his fine nerves and faculties, he will become all external manifestations and inner emptiness, become dull, cold and indifferent, and uncover something hidden out of sight.

But what really happens is the change of the observer. The comfort brought by familiar things is rarely resisted and disturbed by few people, but just like relatively new inventions such as telescope and microscope As we are told, the unknown has many layers, and every truth has geological layers. You can't have orthodoxy without heresy.

The moment a newborn opens his eyes, discovery begins. One morning, with a calf in my arms, I raised my furry head and looked at me, his eyes looking at me in complete bewilderment, and his world suddenly became colorful, and I had never seen anything alive so shocked.




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