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关于”介绍自己的公园看了什么“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:What did you see in your park。以下是关于介绍自己的公园看了什么的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What did you see in your park

In the winter, I watched a movie called "frozen". It was about two girls named Elsa and Anna. They were very close children.

One day Elsa hurt Anna with her strength. Then Elsa began to intimidate her power and refused to give up anyone, including Anna. In this film, I learned two things: first love is for everyone It's very important because love can make us strong.

The second self-confidence can make everything come true. I think you will lose without any confidants, just like Anna, she found Elsa with her confidant and finally she did it.




Last weekend, my parents and I went to the children's Park Park Park. In the south of our city, covering an area of one mu, you can see children's statues of different races, hand in hand, which is a symbol of world peace. There is a lake in the middle, surrounded by various trees and flowers.

There are many boats by the lake. Some children are rowing happily. Hunan is a mountain with many monkeys on it.

The children's palace is in the East, where there are all kinds of exhibitions. Huxi is a place for children to play. There are many recreational facilities there.

We had a good time in the children's Park.





In the winter, I watched a movie called "frozen". It was about two girls named Elsa and Anna. They were very close children.

One day Elsa hurt Anna with her strength. Then Elsa began to intimidate her power and refused to give up anyone, including Anna. In this film, I learned two things: first love is for everyone It's very important because love can make us strong.

The second self-confidence can make everything come true. I think you will lose without any confidants, just like Anna, she found Elsa with her confidant and finally she did it.




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