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关于”我能打扫我的房间“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:I can clean my room。以下是关于我能打扫我的房间的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I can clean my room

Today, I did a very interesting thing. I tried to clean my room first. I first cleaned the table, then I cleaned the clothes, and then I swept the floor.

I put the books on the bookshelf. I made the sheets because my room was very clean.




The room I live in and study in is very small, but it is not too small for me. My room is on the second floor of the third floor, facing south. There is a window in front of my room and a bed in the back.

My desk is on the window. There is a chair in front of me. There is a bookcase on the left of the desk.

There are many books on the bookshelf. The lamp is on the top. There are two pictures on the left wall of the desk and a color photo on the right wall.

I often clean it. I like my room very much.





Clean the bedroom [kli: no] he's wearing his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blue blazer. A waiter came up and John saw my eyes. We all stood up, ignored the waiter, and walked to the buffet room.

Bedru: M] the curtains in her bedroom were closed.




标签: 雅思 英文 作文 房间 满分

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