Douglas Tomkins of the United States is the founder of Esprit clothing series and a famous global conservationist. He purchased more than acres of wilderness in Chile to protect the communications giant Ted In order to protect the environment, a young British botanist named Charles Darwin is the author of the theory of evolution. He was the first European to see the trunk with full circumference.
He gave the tree a general name, fitzroya Under the pressure of the United States, Canada, the world bank and other global lending institutions, Robert Fitzroy Argentina) rewrote the mining law in the s to encourage foreign investment in mining companies to receive incentives, such as not imposing new taxes and tax-free imports of earthwork equipment for several years. Argentina has earned more than $1 billion in revenue over the past decade. If the country refuses a major investor, it will award contracts for exploration of precious metals to more foreign and domestic companies to the mining sector They also complain that if the Argentine government put a tenth of their mining efforts on us, Argentina would not have given the natural tourism industry a chance, and the situation here would be very different Alaback, a professor at the University of Montana who studies the Alexei islands, said the Argentine authorities could benefit from Alaska's successful natural tourism, which would mean immediate job losses, but would be sustainable - you would build on something that would grow rather than disappear.
美国的道格拉斯·汤姆金斯(Douglas Tomkins)是Esprit服装系列的创始人,也是一位著名的全球自然资源保护主义者,他在智利购买了超过英亩的荒野地,以保护通讯业巨头泰德·特纳(Ted Turner)的温带雨林,他还购买了阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的土地,为了保护环境,一位名叫查尔斯·达尔文的年轻英国植物学家,是进化论的作者,他是第一个看到长有足周长树干的欧洲人,他给这棵树起了一个通称,Fitzroya cupressoides,在美国、加拿大、世界银行和其他全球贷款机构的压力下,罗伯特·菲茨罗伊(Robert Fitzroy Argentina)在世纪年代改写了采矿法,以鼓励外国投资矿业公司获得奖励,比如数年内不征收新税和免税进口土方设备,阿根廷在过去xx年中获得了超过10亿美元的收入如果该国拒绝一个主要投资者,则将贵金属勘探合同授予更多的外国和国内公司,给矿业部门的信息会让当地居民不寒而栗,他们还抱怨说,如果阿根廷政府把他们在矿业上投入的精力的十分之一投入到我们身上,阿根廷就没有给自然旅游业一个机会,这里的情况会大不相同,他在埃斯奎尔森林生态学家保罗·阿拉巴克(Paul Alaback)租了旅游小屋,蒙大拿大学的一位研究阿勒塞群岛的教授说,阿根廷当局可以从阿拉斯加成功的自然旅游业中获益自然旅游业将意味着就业机会立即减少,但将是可持续的——你将建立在一个会增长而不是消失的东西上。
2:,Residents also complain that Argentina has not given nature based tourism an opportunity, and that if the government invested one tenth of their investment in mining in us, the situation would be very different here. Randall Williams rents a tourist cabin at Esquire forest ecologist Paul Alaback, the University of Montana Montana, a professor who studies the Alsace islands, said the Argentine authorities could benefit from Alaska's successful natural tourism, which would mean immediate job losses, but would be sustainable - you would build on something that would grow and not disappear, he said.
居民们还抱怨说,阿根廷没有给以自然为基础的旅游业一个机会,如果政府在我们身上投资了他们在采矿业上投入的十分之一,那么这里的情况就会大不相同了。兰德尔·威廉姆斯在埃斯奎尔森林生态学家保罗·阿拉巴克(Paul Alaback)租住旅游小屋,他是蒙大拿大学(University of Montana)研究阿勒塞群岛的教授,他说,阿根廷当局可以从阿拉斯加成功的自然旅游中获益自然旅游将意味着就业机会立即减少,但将是可持续的——你将建立在一个会增长、不会消失的东西上,他说。
3:生态系统,Last weekend, I had an eco-tourism with a travel agency. Along the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the fresh air, but some of us went sightseeing while picking flowers. Some even tried to catch the birds they saw.
What's worse, a lot of tourists throw rubbish everywhere. Garbage may cause harm to wild animals. I don't think this is a real one The real ecotourism is not only can express our love for nature, but also need our sense of responsibility and enjoy the beauty of nature.
We should try our best to protect it, we should also protect wildlife. The real ecotourism should be like this: take nothing but your beautiful memories, except green trees and clear water none.
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