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关于”一份好的工作“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A good job。以下是关于一份好的工作的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A good job

For college students, when graduation season comes, it's time to leave campus and find their own place in the world. However, it is reported that most students lost their jobs in the first year. Although there are still many opportunities for college students to refuse opportunities and wait for better opportunities, the first job is very important.

It can help students find a sense of belonging, so don't pick and choose the first job

4、 Most students think that they should get a job with high salary and great development potential. However, the fact is that the competition is so fierce that you have to compete with many excellent students. Only a few of them have the opportunity, so it is better to find a job and accumulate experience.

Geographical location is also an important factor to consider. I think it's a good choice to work in a city close to home. In this way, when we have work problems, we can often go home and stay with our parents.

We can ask our families for help. So we should not be choosy about our first job. When we have experience, we can choose by ourselves.




2:好工作,About ten years ago, college students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation. But now, the situation is different. Today's college students are usually under great pressure to find quite good jobs.

They are always disappointed to say that graduation means unemployment. Why are college students under such pressure? In my opinion, there are three main reasons for this pressure: first, the government In the enrollment of more and more college students, the growth of the number of students has exceeded the needs of the society. Therefore, when so many students graduate at one time, the chance to find a job becomes very small.

Most college students are "only children". Once it is their turn to go out of the campus and find a job by themselves, they decide what kind of job to choose. Their psychology is more fragile because they are in the The family is too indulgent and has not received the training of independent work.

They feel confused and don't know what to do. If their first attempt fails, they will feel depressed and think it is really difficult to find a job. Third, some college students are not qualified for good and challenging jobs after entering university.

They learn less than they did in high school when they started Sleeping in class, some of them indulge in computer games or Jin Yong's novels, and some enter the world of two people prematurely, because these things take up too much time and energy. After four years of college life, their study has been ignored, and they have not mastered the knowledge required for a good job or some positions. This situation can be changed.

The government may gradually reduce the growth of recruiting college students. College students can participate in some extracurricular activities to cultivate their ability to work independently and hard. In order to gain more social experience, they can do some part-time jobs on weekends and holidays.

In addition, students should put learning first, not anything else. They should study harder and try to master how to put the knowledge into practice so that they can be competent for the job they want.




3:一份好的工作,About ten years ago, college students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation. But now, the situation is different. Nowadays, college students are usually under great pressure.

They are always disappointed to say that graduation means unemployment. Why do college students have such a great employment pressure? In my opinion, there are three main reasons for this pressure: the large enrollment of the government every year More and more students, the growth of the number of students has exceeded the needs of the society, so when there are so many students graduated, the chance to find a job is very small. Secondly, most of today's college students are "only children".

Because they are indulged at home and have not received the training of independent work, their psychology is more fragile. Once it is their turn to go out of the campus Third, some college students are not qualified for a good and challenging job after entering university. They don't work as hard as they did in high school.

They begin to sleep or even miss classes. Some people are addicted to computer games Or Jin Yong's novels, or early into the world of two people, because these things take up too much of their time and energy. After they have lived in University for four years, their study has been ignored, and they have not mastered the knowledge required for a good job or some positions.

This situation can be changed. The government may gradually reduce the growth of recruiting college students. College students can participate in some extracurricular activities to cultivate their ability to work independently and hard.

In order to gain more social experience, they can do some part-time jobs on weekends and holidays. In addition, students should put learning first, not anything else. They should study harder and try to master how to put the knowledge into practice so that they can be competent for the job they want.






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