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关于”无奈的公开课“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Helpless open class。以下是关于无奈的公开课的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Helpless open class

Greetings: Hello, good afternoon, children say hello to your parents. Warm up. Is it sunny, rainy, cloudy or windy today? T: very good.

Let's dance together. OK, follow my music. Please stand up sunny and sunny.

Hua Rui, rainy day, rainy day, rainy day, leave cloudy day, cloudy day, cloudy day, go out to play, windy day, windy day. It's very good for you to sit down and demonstrate Let's play a game (I said you said, then I said you do) brush my teeth wash my face comb my hair go to school t: let's dance brush my teeth up and down my teeth brush my teeth back and forth my teeth brush my teeth left and right day and night T: good let's play another game pencil book ruler eraser pig goldfish bird turtle cockroach fly down game dance number 1212 go to the zoo 3434 open 5656 Give me a kiss 7878 put on my hat 910 clap your hand 910 clap your hand T: now we are going to play a new game, I want to give two parents to help me melody good) eat reading and writing watching TV jump to the card, run to the card, fly to the card and paste (my body) when the melody says eyes,

5 children then nose eyes, knee mouth, the last game is pineapple watermelon strawberry papaya melody national anthem follow-up.




2:无助的公开课,Good afternoon, students, I'm XXX (write your names on the blackboard) for you to have an English class (your new teacher, I'm glad to have this opportunity to teach you some knowledge here, but first of all, before we learn the new course, I'd like to give you a brief introduction of minebla, and I'd like to review the last lesson.


下午好,同学们,我是XXX(把你们的名字写在黑板上)为你们上英语课(你们的新老师我也很高兴有这个机会在这里教你们一些知识,但首先,在我们学习新课程之前,我想先给大家简单介绍一下minebla bla,我想去复习上一课。


3:无奈的公开课,Dear editor, I am writing to tell you about the discussion about whether the park should charge tickets. On this issue, everyone has different opinions. Students don't agree with the idea of tickets.

The park is a public place where all people can rest and enjoy. Therefore, if tickets are charged, some people will stay away from the park. In order to collect tickets, gates and walls must be built.

They think this will damage the appearance of the city. Students agree to accept the admission The idea of getting tickets is that gardeners need to pay, and new plants and flowers need to be purchased, but the fees should be reasonable. Your reality should be true.

XXX:%% XXX editor, I am writing to tell you about the discussion about whether the park should charge tickets. On this issue, students are against the idea of charging tickets. They think that everyone can go to the park for rest and entertainment, because the park is a public place, but tickets may keep some people away from the park.

In addition, in order to collect tickets, gates and walls must be built, which will damage the image of the city. Students agree with the idea of charging tickets because they need money to pay for the gardener and buy new plants, but the fees should be reasonable,.





标签: 初中 高分 作文

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