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关于”生在课堂上该不该使用手机“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Should students use mobile phones in class。以下是关于生在课堂上该不该使用手机的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Should students use mobile phones in class

Owadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among middle school students. I think we can bring mobile phones to schools, because we know that the century is a modern era, full of information. Mobile phone is one of the fastest tools for us to exchange information.

Mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we should do this and make the best use of it, because there is a sudden accident, we can call for help immediately. There are also some games on mobile phones. When we are tired of learning, we can relax ourselves by playing games.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with following these games.





Nowadays mobile phones are more and more popular among middle school students. I think we can bring mobile phones to schools, because we know that the century is a modern era, full of information. Mobile phones are one of the fastest tools for us to exchange information.

Mobile phones are fashionable and practical inventions, so we should make full use of them. Because of an emergency, we can call for help immediately. There are also some mobile games.

When we are tired of learning, we can relax by playing games. In my opinion, following the trend is not wrong, but the most important thing is how to do it in the right way.





Nowadays mobile phones are more and more popular among middle school students. I think we can bring mobile phones to schools, because we know that the century is a modern era, full of information. Mobile phones are one of the fastest tools for us to exchange information.

Mobile phones are fashionable and practical inventions, so we should make full use of them. Because of an emergency, we can call for help immediately. There are also some mobile games.

When we are tired of learning, we can relax by playing games. In my opinion, following the trend is not wrong, but the most important thing is how to do it in the right way.





标签: 大学 七年级 作文 万能 年级

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