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关于”介绍一家咖啡馆“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduce a cafe。以下是关于介绍一家咖啡馆的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce a cafe

It has been raining for nearly a week. Since then, I have been staying at home. Today I feel very boring.

Early in the morning, the weather seems to be fine. Because the sun is going to come out, I decided to go out with my friends. We went to the park and had a good time.

Suddenly, it rained again. We had to run away and find a place to rest. We ran into a coffee shop and sat down On a table, drinking coffee, talking about a lot of things we share happiness and sadness.

It was a good time for me, even though I was stuck in a cafe.




Coffee Mocha caramel macchiato coffee American coffee latte cappuccino espresso Caramel Coffee Jelly vanilla Frappuccino coffee blended tea Canephora coffee Arabica coffee dewevrei coffee Arabica robusta (waitress) but "push" and "pull" (a piece of cake:: "Hi" "hello" "everything is fine" "hello" "good morning (afternoon evening)" "very good thank you" "thank you very much" "thank you very much" "thank you very much" "very good, thank you, and you" "keep smiling and being polite.", "Suitable for how many people" "one, two, three tables" "smoking or non-smoking" waiter menu "coffee" "coffee": A: (single manor) + (mixed) single Manor: mixed: Kona, Colombia, mocha, Brazil, mendelin, Kenya AA Java Kilimanjaro Blue Mountain, daily mixing B: (syrup) (fresh cream) Irish coffee, Vienna Coffee, iced coffee, ° f rapuccino cafféfrio C (Italian coffee): (steamed milk) coffee latte cappuccino mocaccino espresso (single and double) ddecaf: (looks delicious) menu (diet dessert) (cake) (biscuit) (muffin) cheese cake chiffon cake vanilla cream cake marble chocolate cake chocolate cake dark forest cake Swiss chocolate white chocolate cake? Butter chocolate Hawaiian nuts: Banana lemon vanilla strawberry chocolate blueberry raspberry Raspberry (doughnut) (PIE) (waffle) (scones) regular doughnut jelly doughnut chocolate doughnut powder sugar doughnut apple pie lemon pie pecan pie cherry pie Boston Pie yellow oil chocolate cinnamon pie, butter chocolate Cranberry (roll) (PIE) (bagel) Mini Danish roll raisin roll Maple cinnamon roll Caramel fruit pie strawberry pie lemon pie "pure vanilla garlic wheat Cranberry blueberry rice pudding cream pudding cream pudding cream pudding" pudding: sorry, I'm not ready yet Yes, I want, I want, I want, "want" a cup of coffee, a piece of cake, come on, whole milk, low fat skim milk, cream sugar, brown sugar, sweetener syrup: Maple almond strawberry, blueberry napkin check, please: credit card or cash, tip) congratulations, (instant coffee, loosen, enjoy coffee.


咖啡摩卡焦糖玛奇亚托咖啡美式咖啡拿铁咖啡卡布奇诺浓咖啡焦糖咖啡果冻香草弗拉布奇诺咖啡弗拉布奇诺摩卡frappuccino frappuccino®混合茶无咖啡因咖啡liberica Cafea canephora咖啡阿拉比卡咖啡dewevrei咖啡阿拉比卡罗布斯塔(女服务员)但是,“推”、“拉”(一块蛋糕,::“嗨”“你好”“一切都好”“你好”“早上好(下午晚)”“很好谢谢”“非常感谢”“非常好谢谢”“很好,谢谢,还有你”“保持微笑保持礼貌”,“适合多少人”“一二三桌”“吸烟或不吸烟”服务员(服务员菜单“咖啡”“咖啡”:a:(单一庄园)+(混合)单一庄园:混合:夏威夷科纳哥伦比亚摩卡巴西门德林肯尼亚aa爪哇乞力马扎罗蓝山,每日混合b:(糖浆)(鲜奶油)爱尔兰咖啡维也纳咖啡冰咖啡,°frapuccino cafféfrio c(意大利咖啡):(蒸牛奶)咖啡拿铁咖啡卡布奇诺摩卡奇诺意式浓缩咖啡(单双份)ddecaf:(看起来很美味)菜单(节食甜点)(蛋糕)(比斯科蒂)(松饼)奶酪蛋糕雪纺蛋糕香草奶油蛋糕大理石巧克力蛋糕巧克力蛋糕黑森林蛋糕瑞士巧克力白巧克力蛋糕?黄油巧克力夏威夷坚果:香蕉柠檬香草草莓巧克力蓝莓树莓树莓(甜甜圈)(派)(华夫饼)(烤饼)普通甜甜圈果冻甜甜圈巧克力甜甜圈粉状糖甜甜圈苹果派柠檬派山核桃派樱桃派波士顿派黄油巧克力肉桂饼°,黄油巧克力蔓越橘(卷)(馅饼)(百吉饼)迷你丹麦卷葡萄干卷枫树肉桂卷焦糖水果馅饼草莓馅饼柠檬馅饼,“纯香草大蒜小麦蔓越莓蓝莓米饭布丁奶油布丁奶油布丁布丁奶油布丁”布丁:对不起,我还没准备好吗?)是的,我想要,我要,我要,“想要”一杯咖啡一块蛋糕,来吧全脂牛奶低脂脱脂牛奶奶油白糖红糖甜味剂糖浆:枫杏仁草莓,蓝莓餐巾支票,请:信用卡或现金,小费)恭喜,(速溶咖啡,放松,享受咖啡吧。


Coffee Mocha caramel macchiato coffee American coffee latte cappuccino espresso Caramel Coffee Jelly vanilla Frappuccino Frappuccino? Mixed tea decaffeinated coffee Liberica cafea canephora Arabica coffee dewevriecoffee Arabica Robusta (waitress) but "push" and "pull" (a piece of cake:: "Hi" "hello" "everything is fine" "hello" "good morning (late afternoon)" "very good thank you" "thank you very much" "thank you very much" "very good, thank you, and you" "keep smiling and polite" "how many people are suitable" "one table for one, two or three people" "smoking or not Smoke "waiter menu" coffee "" coffee ": A: (single real estate) + (mixed) single room Manor: mixed: Kona, Colombia, mocha, Brazil, mendelin, Kenya, AA, Java, Kilimanjaro Mountain, blue mountain, daily mixing: (syrup) (fresh cream) Irish coffee, Vienna coffee, iced coffee, ° Frapuccino Caff é Frio C (Italian coffee): (steamed milk) coffee latte cappuccino mocaccino espresso (single and double) ddecaf: (looks delicious) menu (dessert diet) (cake) (Biscotti) (muffin) cheese cake sponge cake muffin Chiffon Cake Vanilla Cream Chocolate Cream Cheese Chocolate Cake Chocolate Cake dark forest cake chocolate silk chocolate White chocolate cake ° cream chocolate Hawaiian nuts: Banana lemon vanilla strawberry chocolate blueberry raspberry pie, cream chocolate Cranberry (roll) (PIE) (bagel) Mini Denise rolle raisin roll Maple cinnamon roll Caramel fruit tartar strawberry tartar lemon tartar "," pure vanilla garlic wheat Cranberry blueberry rice pudding cream pudding cream pudding brulee I'm ready to order. Sorry, I'm not ready yet Yes, I want eyes. If I do, I want "want" a cup of coffee, a piece of cake, come on, whole milk, low fat skim milk, milk cream, sugar, sweetener syrup: Maple almond strawberry, blueberry, napkin check, please: credit card or cash, tip) congratulations, (instant coffee, relax, enjoy coffee.


咖啡摩卡焦糖玛奇亚托咖啡美式咖啡拿铁卡布奇诺浓咖啡焦糖咖啡果冻香草frappcinocoffee Frappuccinomocha Frappuccino Frappuccino®混合茶无咖啡因咖啡liberica Cafea canephora阿拉比卡咖啡Dewevriecoffee arabica Robusta(女服务员)但是,“推”、“拉”(一块蛋糕,::“嗨”“你好”“一切都好”“你好”“早上好(下午晚)”“很好谢谢”“非常感谢”“非常好谢谢”“很好,谢谢,还有你”“保持微笑保持礼貌”,“适合多少人”“一二三人一桌”“吸烟还是不吸烟”服务员(服务员菜单“咖啡”“咖啡”:A:(单房地产)+(混合)单人房庄园:混合:夏威夷科纳哥伦比亚摩卡巴西门德林肯尼亚AA爪哇乞力马扎罗山蓝山,每日混合:(糖浆)(鲜奶油)爱尔兰咖啡维也纳咖啡冰咖啡,°Frapuccino CafféFrio C(意大利咖啡):(蒸牛奶)咖啡拿铁卡布奇诺摩卡奇诺意式浓缩咖啡(单双份)DDecaf:(看起来很美味)菜单(甜点节食)(蛋糕)(比斯科蒂)(松饼)奶酪蛋糕海绵蛋糕松糕雪纺蛋糕香草奶油巧克力奶油干酪巧克力蛋糕巧克力蛋糕黑森林蛋糕巧克力丝巧克力白色巧克力蛋糕°奶油巧克力夏威夷坚果:香蕉柠檬香草草莓巧克力蓝莓覆盆子馅饼,奶油巧克力蔓越莓(卷)(馅饼)(百吉饼)迷你丹妮丝罗尔葡萄干卷枫树肉桂卷焦糖水果鞑靼草莓柠檬挞,“”纯香草大蒜小麦蔓越莓蓝莓米饭布丁奶油布丁奶油布丁奶油Brulee::我可以点菜了对不起,我还没准备好吗?)是的,我想要眼睛,我要是的,我要,“想要”一杯咖啡一块蛋糕,来吧全脂牛奶低脂脱脂牛奶牛奶奶油白糖红糖甜味剂糖浆:枫杏仁草莓,蓝莓纳普金支票,请:信用卡或现金,小费)恭喜,(速溶咖啡,放松,享受咖啡吧。


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