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关于”好的标准是什么“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:What are the good criteria。以下是关于好的标准是什么的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What are the good criteria

The official guide shows the process of unification, the consistent process of unification, the coherent articles are well organized and well developed, using clear and appropriate explanations, examples and / or details. Concrete writing shows consistent convenience in language use, showing syntactic diversity, proper word selection, and idiomaticity, although it may have some minor lexical or grammatical errors, important, important, and crucial.




As a qualified teacher, only when you love your work can you love your career and make a commitment to your work. Otherwise, you can only do a career, which can only be a futile regret. In ordinary life, you should have both love and patience.

Only when you really love students can you make friends with students, communicate with students and understand their inner thoughts FA thinks that only in this way can we find out problems, help him pertinently and care about his education of students. If he has no patience to make mistakes, then the students can't really successfully change his three equal and fair students. Every student in the class has an independent personality.

Teachers should respect them, no matter whether their grades are good or not, whether they are strict in discipline, or often violate the discipline, especially the results are worse Poor students, self-discipline teachers should pay more attention to and encourage more, because they enter the social development point is not like meritorious students. In the shadow, the four teachers should be able to stand alone and stand the temptation of money. Even if they are right, they will also cause their own psychological imbalance.

If the teacher teaches them in class, and for some reason, they prefer a classmate, otherwise, you will have to Students will lose the prestige and dignity of teachers in the eyes of students, and naturally they will lose their trust in you. As the saying goes: if you kiss their teachers, you can trust their way. But if you don't respect you and don't trust you, you can speak again, and you can't achieve the desired results.

The five teachers should have a higher professional level. If the teachers are not accurate, they should clearly impart knowledge to students, If you can't help students solve the difficulties they put forward, you will lose the trust of students. A good teacher has a unique and perfect organization, but also extremely flexible annual teaching plan.

This plan also adapts to the provisions of his school and relevant systems. He must be able to easily communicate this plan with students, students' parents and other teachers, administrators and all walks of life Communication teaching is the teacher's standard, so you are a qualified teacher.




Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some people think that if they have a lot of money, they will be very happy. They believe that if they are rich, they can do whatever they want, which means happiness.

On the other hand, some people think that holding a high position in government is happiness. You have not only money, but also many other things that money can't buy, Other people think that money is not happiness, and they are not domineering in the government. These people value their faith, intelligence or health, which they think can make them happy for me.

When I have made great progress in my study, when I have made contributions to society through my work, when my family members get along well with each other and share good and sad times, I am lucky Happy, although the definition of happiness depends on my happiness "wealth" of everyone, my study, my work, my family.




标签: 托福 英文 作文 万能 标准

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