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关于”介绍类的题目“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduction to class topics。以下是关于介绍类的题目的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to class topics

Some people think that all offenders should be sent to prison, while others think there is a better choice. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to extend the sentence.

You think there are other better ways to reduce crime. Discuss these two views and give your own opinion. It's not the way to deal with criminals in prison On the contrary, how much education and vocational training should be given to them? Do you agree or disagree? Some people think that all offenders should be sent to prison.

Others think that they should also do some work or learn some skills in society. You think that today's prison is the most common way to solve crime, but some people think that providing better for them Education, to prevent them from becoming criminals, would be a more effective way, do you agree or disagree with economists, although two juvenile offenders were suspended, they were not suspended, and they were able to pay considerable compensation to the victims. Urbanites: Migrants: considerable com compensation: victims, migrants and left behind children are of the same age as those who grew up in the city People are more likely to be jailed, although the survey shows that the proportion of violent crimes committed by young people in cities is similar to that of floating youth in Shanghai.

Minors without local household registration are sentenced to probation (or probation) only if one of them is left behind. Probation is the reason why migrant youth are more likely to be severely punished, which is closely related to the reasons for their entry. First of all, their immigration status and relative poverty are severely punished, and their rural hometown lacks resources to supervise children on probation.

Therefore, they are finally sent to prison and finally to prison. The national criminal law, which has come into effect this year, has been revised to make it clear that minor offenders should be given a lighter punishment Reason, revision: the national criminal code has formally stipulated that juvenile offenders should be given less punishment than education.




● education travel allowance advertisement, write a letter to apply for it (a) self introduction (b) where do you want to travel (c) what is it good for your work / study: write to the factory near your home because they often burn garbage at night (+): restrictions: Party Party Party: apply for a job in the local store: you have a child who wants to send him to international kindergarten, your home and it In the same town, you have reserved a waiting place for your child to write a letter, including: Why did you choose it, and you want to know about it: Party: you attended a study course, but the course is different from the school brochure, write to the principal: (+) what course have you learned? What's the need of the school to solve: curriculum, references: home family living Home school meets the people.




Task 1 some people think that parents should teach their children how to be a good member of society, while others think that school is a place to learn. Discuss these ideas and give your own opinions. The way many people communicate with each other today has changed with technology.

In what ways does technology affect the type of children? Is it a positive or negative development? Is raising gasoline prices the best way to solve the growing traffic and pollution problems? To what extent do you agree or disagree ——What other measures do you think might be effective? ——In some countries, people's average weight is increasing, their health and health level are declining. What do you think is the cause of these problems? What measures can be taken to solve these problems.




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