There is no doubt that my fellow monk, father Martin, is an absent-minded professor who often substitutes for sick priests in other parishes. One Saturday, he found himself on a train bound for a new destination, frantically searching in his pocket for a ticket. "Forget it, father." the conductor recognized him as an ordinary "I, father Martin, nervously replied," I want to know where I'm going.
"Father Martin replied nervously," I want to know where I'm going. ".
There is no doubt that my fellow monk, father Martin, is an absent-minded professor who often substitutes for sick priests in other parishes. One Saturday, he found himself on a train bound for a new destination, frantically searching his pocket for tickets. "Forget it, father." The conductor recognized him as a regular.
"I believe you paid the ticket." father Martin replied nervously, "I want to know where I'm going.".
An absent-minded professor, an absent-minded professor, was teaching anatomy. "To give you a better idea of what I mean, I have a package with an dissected frog in it. I want you to examine it carefully." The professor opened the package and saw two sandwiches and a hard shell egg in it.
The professor said, "I'm sure I've had lunch, but where is the frog?".
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