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关于”读手机不如读书“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Reading is better than reading。以下是关于读手机不如读书的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reading is better than reading

Since I went to school, my parents always tell me to study hard so that I can find a good job in the future, and most people can make a lot of money. The purpose of reading is to make money. But with the increase of my study, I realize that there is no direct connection between making money and reading.

Children should learn more about the world by reading more books When they have knowledge, they need to feel the great pleasure of reading. They can solve problems through the skills they have learned. For them, the most important thing is to face difficulties with a positive attitude.




2:读书比读书好,As we all know, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our horizons and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and smart friends.

That's why our parents always encourage us to read more books, but we must pay attention to them We can indeed benefit from good books in the choice of books, but bad books do us more harm than good.




3:读手机不如读书,Reading method you can get knowledge through reading, but there are too many kinds of books and our time is limited. How can we read them? Many students spend a lot of time reading legends and martial arts novels, which is a waste of time. Students should know how to use their time and accumulate knowledge.

So choosing books is very important for reading. We should choose some good and helpful books. We should treat our books carefully, just like our peers, because our habits and personalities will be affected by the former And will also be affected by the latter.

We can get knowledge by reading more books. The more knowledge we accumulate, right? I don't think so. It's not extensive reading but beneficial reading that can achieve excellence.

Only good books can benefit us. Therefore, it is very important to choose books for reading. It is a waste of time for many students to spend a lot of time reading legends and martial arts novels.

Some students even read some bad books, which is harmful to them. Therefore, we should be careful of the books we read as we treat our peers, because our habits and personality will be affected by the former and the latter.




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