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关于”她的父母是我的朋友“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Her parents are my friends。以下是关于她的父母是我的朋友的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Her parents are my friends

I have a lot of friends. Do you know who they are? They are my children and my classmates. They don't let me say you: Yes, my favorite book ‰ I like books very much, like reading science books, cartoon books and so on.

They not only let me know how wonderful the word is, but also teach me how to be a good person in society. They give me great pleasure I love books.


我有很多朋友,你知道他们是谁吗?他们是我的小朋友,是我的同学,不让我说你:是的我最喜欢的书‰我非常喜欢书,喜欢读科学书,卡通书等等,不仅让我知道这个词有多美妙,而且教我如何在社会上做一个好人,它们给了我极大的乐趣 我爱书。


Last Sunday, Mr. Li got up early to go fishing. He sat by the river all day, but at the end of the day there was nothing.

Therefore, Mr. Li was very depressed because he had to go home before dinner on his way home. Mr.

Li thought that his wife might be angry with him because he didn't bring anything back. So he bought a big fish. At least before he went home, he was finally happy about what he could bring home.




Books are my good friends. I have many friends, but my best friend is books. When I was five years old, I saw her for the first time, and I was deeply attracted by her.

With the growth of age, I learned a lot from you. You tell me what is true and what is wrong. You make me happy.

You are always by my side. You are my good friend. I can't leave you.




标签: 雅思 翻译 作文 真题 朋友

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