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In China's flyers, Liu Xiang's name came from (original name) Liu Xiang should have been called Liu Ji. At that time, the popular surname was his father's surname, his mother's surname was Liu Xiang, his father's name was Liu xuegen, and his expectant mother's name was Fucai. However, Liu Ji's Putonghua pronunciation might fail.

Therefore, after Liu Xiang's uncle and uncle proposed Liu Qiang's name, he was rejected by his relatives, hoping that he would be strong, but his mother's Liu Xiang's name was put forward by his uncle. In Shanghai dialect, circle and strong pronunciation are also used. In addition, circle means flying and auspicious.

Therefore, the name of Liu Xiang is finally established.




In China's flyers, Liu Xiang's name came from (original name) Liu Xiang should have been called Liu Ji. At that time, the popular surname was his father's surname, his mother's surname was Liu Xiang, his father's name was Liu xuegen, and his expectant mother's name was Fucai. However, Liu Ji's Putonghua pronunciation might fail.

Therefore, after Liu Xiang's uncle and uncle proposed Liu Qiang's name, he was rejected by his relatives, hoping that he would be strong, but his mother's Liu Xiang's name was put forward by his uncle. In Shanghai dialect, circle and strong pronunciation are also used. In addition, circle means flying and auspicious.

Therefore, the name of Liu Xiang is finally established.




The first female professor of the University of Paris was born in Maria skoodoska of Warsaw (then in the Vistula region, now the Russian Empire of Poland) Sk ಖ odowska), who lived there until the age of 24, followed her sister bronis sawa to study in Paris, where she obtained a higher degree and conducted subsequent scientific research. She established the Curie Institute in Paris, and her husband Pierre Curie in Warsaw shared her Nobel Prize in physics, her daughter IL Giorgio Curie and her daughter Her son-in-law, Friedrich Giorgio Curie, is also the only winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Madame Curie is the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman to win in two different fields.

Her achievements include the creation of the theory of radioactivity (she created the technology of separating radioisotopes, and under her guidance discovered the two new elements polonium and radium. This is the first time in the world to use radioisotopes to treat cancer (cancer). She never lost her sense of identity with Poland.

She named the first new chemical element to discover polonium for her motherland The Institute of radium (now Maria sk ಖ odowska – Curie Cancer Institute) was established in Warsaw, her hometown in, under the leadership of her doctor's sister bronis sawa.


玛丽·斯克奥多夫斯卡·居里海伦·凯勒奥黛丽·赫本维基百科帕里舍大学的第一位女教授出生于华沙(当时是在维斯图拉地区,现在是波兰的俄罗斯帝国)的玛丽亚·斯克奥多斯卡(Maria Skłodowska),在那里生活到xx岁,她跟随姐姐布朗妮斯瓦娃(Bronisława)到巴黎学习,在那里,她获得了更高的学位并进行了随后的科学研究,她在巴黎建立了居里研究所,华沙她的丈夫皮埃尔·居里分享了她的诺贝尔物理学奖——她的女儿伊尔·乔利奥居里和她的女婿弗里德里克·乔利奥居里,她也是诺贝尔化学奖的唯一获得者居里夫人是第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女性,也是唯一一位在两个不同领域获奖的女性。她的成就包括放射性理论的创立(她创造了分离放射性同位素的技术,在她的指导下发现了钋和镭这两种新元素,这是世界上第一次用放射性同位素对肿瘤(癌症)进行治疗的研究,她从未失去对波兰的认同感,她为自己的祖国命名了发现钋的第一个新的化学元素,并于年在家乡华沙成立了镭研究所(现为Maria Skłodowska–居里肿瘤研究所),由她的医生妹妹Bronisława领导。


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