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关于”一篇描述谈话“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A descriptive conversation。以下是关于一篇描述谈话的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A descriptive conversation

Yesterday, after physics class, I went outside to smoke, and my teacher followed me and said we need to talk. We've been talking about parallel universes (fortunately, they exist, because only some of them can be considered masters. Anyway, she would ask me, what are you doing here? What do I mean by my answer? She went on to tell me that basically she thinks I'm in her The point is, I may not be the master with the most muscle and the biggest foot, but I am the only master school that will have an impact on the world, so remind me again, why do you worship these idiots, excon, want BES, they don't have better things to do, and then take pictures with guns and ankle bracelets, and they'll never achieve anything.


昨天,物理课结束后,我去外面抽烟,我的老师跟着我说我们需要谈谈,我们一直在讨论平行宇宙(幸运的是它们存在,因为只有其中一些人才会被认为是大师,不管怎么说,她都会问我,你在这里做什么我的回答是什么意思,她接着告诉我,基本上她认为我在她的课上的时间浪费了,因为我太聪明了,不适合这个该死的班,重点是,我可能不是最有肌肉和最大脚的大师,但我是唯一一个会对世界产生影响的大师学校所以再次提醒我,为什么你崇拜这些白痴,excon,want bes,他们没有更好的事做,然后拿着枪和脚踝手镯拍照,永远不会有任何成就。


2:描写性的谈话,Nowadays, many people are really good at talking, but that doesn't mean that most people are excluded from being a successful negotiator. You should pay attention to the following points when you talk: first, people should choose the right topic when they speak. They usually choose a topic to talk about.

If the topic is acceptable to everyone, the conversation will go smoothly. The second is to pay attention to the details so as to make sure that the conversation can be carried out smoothly Be a good conversationalist and try to avoid disrespect. If the conversation is boring and you want to quit, quit.




3:一篇描述谈话,Jack jack jack jack Hi, Jack, our school sports meeting will be held on the playground next week. From Thursday to Saturday, we have many competitions to be held, such as the meter race, the meter race, please be punctual, put on your sports shoes and bring a bottle of water. Good luck to you: sports.




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