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关于”住学生宿舍的利弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of living in student dormitories。以下是关于住学生宿舍的利弊的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of living in student dormitories

They are shy and embarrassed to rent computers in their dormitories, or feel embarrassed that they can't afford to buy computers in their dormitories, or they don't have the chance to study. The world is changing at an unprecedented speed. Students think that computers play an important role in this change.

They agree that they must have computer skills in order to survive in today's world. They have joined computers. They are no longer computer literate on the information superhighway.

No student should enter the future without understanding computers, while students do Taking huge steps to catch up with the information superhighway, they should be vigilant about buying or renting computers, playing games or surfing the Internet aimlessly. Otherwise, any attempt to learn computers will become a fantasy.




2:,The computer in the student apartment is a popular language on campus. More and more students can afford or rent a computer. They are happy to have the opportunity to learn computer in their own apartment, instead of being embarrassed or shy to enter the computer hall and feel uneducated.

The world is changing at an unprecedented speed. Students think that computers play an important role in this change. They agree that they must have computer skills to survive in today's world.

They are no longer computer illiterate on the information superhighway. No student should enter the future without understanding computers, while students take huge steps to catch up with information On the highway, they should be alert to buying or renting computers, playing games or surfing the Internet aimlessly. Otherwise, any attempt to learn computers will become a fantasy.




3:住学生宿舍的利弊,Campus safety campus safety has always been a big topic of concern to many people. Students fight, hurt and be robbed from time to time. Some students fight and fight, some people are injured seriously, and some students' goods such as bicycles and mobile phones are blackmailed.

In my opinion, what are the reasons for these problems? First of all, the current students' legal awareness is not strong, they can not distinguish what is legal and what is not. Second, there is no good management personnel in the school who can easily enter them in the society. These people enter the campus, steal and fight.

But how to solve the problem, we should strengthen the legal education in the school, let the students know what is right and what should not be. We should attach great importance to campus management, only students can enter the campus, and people in the society can not enter without permission. I hope our campus is a safe and peaceful learning place.




标签: 高考 英文 作文 真题 利弊

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