In recent years, many college students are engaged in part-time work. Some people think that they should not look for any part-time job, because their main responsibility is still to study hard in order to pass the examination. If they take part in part-time work, their time will be shared and their study may decline.
As far as I am concerned, there are many advantages in doing part-time work. For example, based on these reasons, I Students should be encouraged to do part-time yoga.
With the wide use of the Internet, more and more people like to send e-cards to their friends to express their wishes or feelings, which has many advantages. You can not only send pictures, but also vivid animation and interesting music. These messages can be sent to other people within seconds after you click on the screen.
More importantly, you can use flash or other software to design your own The most important thing is that the use of e-cards can save a lot of paper and help protect trees and the environment.
(in modern society, volunteer work has become a project of some universities and high schools. In the absence of money, they educate young people, work for charity organizations, help neighbors, etc., but some people worry about whether these activities are meaningful and important from my personal point of view. These free community services play an educational role in the growth of students and should get more people The recognition.
Students can benefit from voluntary volunteer activities (especially for those who care about themselves in the first place and ignore the feelings of others). They can perceive valuable ideas, not just live for money, and feel happy when they help others (no doubt, those people will be hated and therefore excluded from the team, (hatred of others and society can breed and rot in their hearts. If our students (only) know how to (study hard in school) and have no opportunity to (participate in) society, then students must (be aware of this concept), when they graduate from school, they will encounter some difficulties in understanding society.
Obviously, without a company (the last one to accept nerds, but not least, through these unpaid jobs, students may gain knowledge and experience outside of books), these advantages (certainly) will help (students) grow rapidly. For the growth of children, it is wise for universities and colleges to increase volunteer work, even though these (voluntary) work is a good choice Work will take up some (valuable learning time) and (sometimes accidents may occur) (but through proper planning and organization, these problems should not happen (in my opinion) activities are quite important and valuable and will benefit (you) life. I sincerely hope that more universities and Colleges (arrange) plans.
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