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关于”找到工作“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Find a job。以下是关于找到工作的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Find a job

If you find it difficult to find a job, try expanding your job search plan to include the following strategies. Set your goals and at the same time you should always keep your options open to compromise. You should also make sure that your goal is the job you want.

A specific job search will be more than a chance interview. Take advantage of every possible way to get an interview. Use search companies to provide advertising and direct contact with the company.

Even if a job is not suitable for you, it can be conducted through the Internet and the Internet. Every interview can be a positive experience if someone else is involved If you haven't hired you, you can also write them a thank you letter for their interview, and then send them a short resume in a few weeks. This letter explains that you haven't found a perfect position.

If you applied for the position or other vacancies, you can try again. Every position you interview is like this. You may seize the opportunity and regard it as you Sometimes, if you lose your job, you have to make time to find a full-time job.

If you're looking for a job, you need to invest as much as you can into a full-time job. During your job search phase, create an organized schedule that maximizes your search time network vertically. Talk to people who are higher than you at the level you expect.

They have some insight that people at your level don't have, and they'll hire you or recommend you for the job. Keeping your mental state and looking for a job is one of the hardest things you have to do. Keep your self-confidence, stick to it and think positively, and eventually you will find a job that suits you.






In the new century, with the reduction of social employment opportunities and the emergence of talents, many college students are faced with great employment pressure. Some choose to start their own businesses, some succeed, some can not find stable jobs or start a business. First of all, stable work makes freshmen learn experience from their predecessors faster, and lack of contacts and funds, which will not be found by Chinese college students at present One of the important reasons for stable work is that great employment pressure is faced not only in China but also in all parts of the world.

The news that Wall Street went bankrupt and the U.S. government closed down made people clearly realize that it is impossible to find a job. Now we should start a business and let entrepreneurs freely control their own time to win the respect of others.

Graduates can be their own boss and decide their own career. In recent years, the government has issued policies to encourage graduates to start their own businesses. Therefore, when starting a business successfully, this is a good opportunity to try.

For me, entrepreneurs should not only win money, but also respect and prestige, and even dream come true. I think a suitable company should be based on its own actual situation, because it has great risks, not every one Everyone can bear failure.




Find a good job: comprehensive ability first, update your knowledge structure as soon as possible. The main difference between educated and uneducated people is the way of thinking and self-education skills. The Internet gives everyone an unprecedented opportunity to search all the resources you need.

Please note that language and computer skills are only basic tools in a successful career, although these skills need to be improved. If you rely on them alone, you have to face the boring work day after day. I can't tell you what kind of knowledge you need because different people have different interests in their careers.

I don't want to mislead me, management, economy Finance, politics, military, history, sports and art. However, you may have your choice. Secondly, more importantly, what kind of people will be welcomed by the society because of your comprehensive ability.

Let me show you the recommendation form of the top business schools in the United States. We can learn how the mainstream American society compares other people to evaluate potential managers and leaders, and how your references will evaluate you in the following aspects There are different degrees of quality, including the most outstanding, excellent, very good, satisfactory, need attention, not observed.




标签: 考研 作文 真题 工作

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