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关于”有关电脑的事情“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:About computers。以下是关于有关电脑的事情的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About computers

We build computers to solve problems. Computers solve mathematical and engineering problems, and later computers focus on information processing for commercial applications. Now computers also control all kinds of machines, such as car engines, robots and microwave ovens.

Computer system explains the function of computer system by accepting input processing and producing output diagram. Computer system is composed of hardware and software. Hardware is the physical part of the system.

Once the hardware is designed, it is difficult to change the cost. Software is the assembly that guides the hardware and is easier to modify than the hardware computer. The reason why it is valuable is that they can solve many different types of problems By providing a set of different instructions (different software is not defined) to the system, different problems can be solved with the same hardware.





(computer) with the development of science and technology, computers have brought many changes to our world. The application of computers in various fields of human activities is also increasing year by year. Computer plays a great role in scientific research and engineering design.

The computer can complete the calculation which is too complicated for the computer at a very high speed. The computer can run automatically at a high speed. It can not only collect data, but also store data at the fastest speed, and input it at any time when necessary.

However, computers can't replace us, even if computers are taking over programs whose tasks were once performed by our own brains. They are just machines, and they will never replace humans.





The computer is the product of advanced civilization. According to some people, its invention marks the arrival of the second industrial revolution. It used to be a heavy machine that needed a lot of space.

Now the computer is getting smaller and smaller. Scientists have made it more complex, so it becomes more useful. As we all know, computers can do all kinds of work It includes complex calculation and analysis.

Now people also use it as a teaching tool to design various kinds of software, which can be put into the computer, which explains why it is so powerful. However, one thing we should remember: the computer can't think, but people can think. There is no need to worry that one day the computer will control us.

What we expect is to do our best to make it a perfect computer Generation is not a daydream. One day most of our needs will be met by this wonderful machine.




标签: 初三 作文 真题 电脑

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