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关于”游戏与健康的关系“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The relationship between play and health。以下是关于游戏与健康的关系的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The relationship between play and health

Since we go to school, we are taught that if people want to succeed, they have to work hard, but the fact is, not everyone can get what they want, even if they try so much, why do they still need to work hard? Hard doesn't mean a person Success must be achieved. Success requires more factors, such as time, luck, etc. There is no doubt that if one doesn't work hard and strive for his own goals, he can't get what he wants.

Some actors start their career at a very young age, and when they suddenly become famous, if they give up, they can't wait for their reputation to work so hard and have a great chance of success.




Everyone wants to be healthy, because it is the source of life from health to long life. In sports, the simplest is running. Riding a bicycle, rich or poor, can do two kinds of sports easily, but don't overdo it.

It will damage the body, keep a good attitude, and keep a good sense of happiness. Physical exercise is the best way to climb mountains We can run on the playground, play basketball, and rope skipping can keep fit in winter. Students are still not afraid of the cold.

They should be healthy even with sweat. Food is also an important food pyramid A little less salt, less oil, less sugar, less milk, less eggs, less meat, more vegetables, fruit, a large amount of whole wheat, balanced nutrition, every noon to maintain good health, the school has a light and delicious teacher told us to eat, although we have some complaints, but we all know: teachers are good for us, we have a "eat like wolves and tigers" go out to enjoy "nutritional lunch" life is Precious, health is the "defense" of life. If we want healthy diet and exercise, we should start from the beginning.




Work and play work and play are not contradictory, they complement each other. As the saying goes, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". On the other hand, proper entertainment can relieve the tension and boredom of daily work.

Our monotonous life is uncomfortable because it provides you with various ways to release your depressed emotions. I usually relax after school by jogging and watching movies. Usually I don't take time to exercise, but I attach great importance to physical education in school.

Jogging in the field can definitely relieve the discomfort Weekend pressure, for the sake of visual enjoyment, I will go to the morning movies. I feel refreshed and energetic to cope with the workload of the next week.




标签: 高一 英文 高分 作文 关系

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