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关于”描述你的个性“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Describe your personality。以下是关于描述你的个性的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe your personality

(personality. Nowadays, personality has become a popular word for young people, but what is "personality" is different not only in appearance but also in behavior. It's easy for people to get their personality from all kinds of clothes and decorations.

The fashion of color hair dyeing changes every day. It's hard to find two people wearing the same clothes. However, it's another thing to be independent.

It means that you have to make your own decisions, be confident in your beliefs, don't follow the trend, just do what you think is right and say what you want Dharma, not what you hear from others. We live in an era when personal choice is always highly valued. When you want to express yourself in words or actions, don't hesitate, because it's a good way to show your presence and stand out from the crowd.





Everyone has a different personality. I have an optimistic personality. I am always happy with everything, but not everyone thinks it is easy.

When I meet such people, I usually suggest that they go to the school board. If your parents love you and care about you, then everyone's personality is so different that your personality will be healthy. You can try to help them or tell them to ask the councillor for help.




Personality everyone has a different personality. I have an optimistic personality. I am always happy with everything, but not everyone thinks it is easy.

When I meet such people, I usually suggest that they go to the school board. If your parents love you and care about you, everyone's personality will be very different, so your personality will be healthy. You can try to help them or tell them to ask the councillor for help.




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