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关于”怎么杜绝作弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:How to stop cheating。以下是关于怎么杜绝作弊的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to stop cheating

To stop cheating in examinations has always been an important part of the examination work. In today's all-round development of education, sometimes we frequently participate in all kinds of examinations, which is not easy for us. On the other hand, some students don't study hard, so when they participate in the examination, in order to avoid the pressure of teachers and guardians, but cheating on me In other words, cheating is not good.

It not only violates the regulations of the school, but also is uncivilized. Our students must be honest, study hard and adopt good grades instead of relying on cheating. We also improve our learning methods, prepare for exams, repay parents with real scores, and repay teachers and the trust of the society.




2:如何停止作弊,When it comes to honesty, many people think that honesty is a necessary condition for a person's character and success. Their ideas are based on the following reasons: on the one hand, successful business is due to mutual trust; on the other hand, great figures in history, such as Abraham Lincoln and Ginette Washington, have set an example of honesty for us. Some stars cheat in exams for no reason But they don't think they cheat in exams because there are not many reasons why they cheat in exams.

You will buy some substandard and fake products. Now we should emphasize and encourage honesty. We can take effective measures to restore it, such as educating children to tell the truth, implementing strict rules and regulations to stop cheating in examinations and taxes, etc.




3:怎么杜绝作弊,To stop cheating in examinations has always been an important part of the examination work. In today's all-round development of education, sometimes we frequently participate in all kinds of examinations, which is not easy for us. On the other hand, some students don't study hard, so when they participate in the examination, in order to avoid the pressure of teachers and guardians, but cheating on me In other words, cheating is not good.

It is not only a violation of school regulations, but also an uncivilized performance. Our students must be honest, study hard and adopt good grades instead of relying on cheating. There are also ways to improve our learning ability.

We should prepare enough for exams. We can repay parents with real results and the trust of teachers and society.




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