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关于”彩票的负面影响昨“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The negative impact of lottery yesterday。以下是关于彩票的负面影响昨的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The negative impact of lottery yesterday

Lottery has suddenly flourished all over the world, attracting all kinds of people. Almost everyone, whether old or young, rich or poor, is now trying his or her own luck, or is considering doing so. Although the lottery has received a lot of controversy, I personally still think that the disadvantages of lottery outweigh the advantages.

As many socialists have pointed out, lottery gives people a lot of money The worst effect is that it has produced a kind of thought of "getting something for nothing" in people's mind, but at the same time, it ignores a point: what people want most is human nature, while the thought of "painless and bitter" is hidden in everyone's heart, not the result of lottery training. Such lottery is innocent, but there are still a large group of people who oppose lottery, There are some lottery addicts. They like lottery tickets, but unfortunately luck has never liked them.

Finally, they complain about lottery tickets and claim that they are extremely harmful. In this case, lottery has an impact on them both psychologically and economically. The problem lies in people's attitude, not lottery, because these two major hazards are not the fault of lottery tickets.

Let's Looking at lottery objectively for the society, lottery is the most practical way to accumulate funds for those who happen to win a large sum of money. I think they can't kiss their own lottery enough. For those people who have no chance to become lucky dogs, lottery can tell them the truth of "get without work" silently.

Let go of the lottery, what it can do is more advantages than disadvantages.




2:,Advertisements on advertisements are very common in our daily life. No matter where you go and what you see, when you look at them, you can easily find that there are many advertisements around, such as toy advertisements on TV and food advertisements on computers. There is a saying that every coin has two sides.

Advertisements bring us great convenience, but at the same time they also bring us A lot of trouble. For example: some food producers, in order to make profits, use inferior raw materials to make food and claim to provide the best food in their advertisements. People are always deceived, thus harming their interests and health, especially infants.

In order to solve the above problems, I suggest that people think twice. The most important thing is that the relevant departments should take strict measures or enact laws to specify the market Only in this way can we enjoy a safe and relaxed life.




3:彩票的负面影响昨,Today, with the development of media, people are greatly influenced by advertisements when they walk on the street. Advertisements can be seen everywhere. They are spread through newspapers, radio and so on.

The most obvious thing is that when we see advertisements posted on buildings, we will be attracted by them and have a strong desire to buy. However, the negative effects of advertisements can mislead consumers and some products are exaggerated Function, when people use these products, they will realize that they have been cheated and wasted money. The worst case is that people use fake and inferior products, they are seriously ill, and their health is under threat.

So we must check the advertisement before we buy the product. We should consult the doctor or see the real reaction of the customer.




标签: 初三 作文 真题

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