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关于”想象力比知识重要“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Imagination is more important than knowledge。以下是关于想象力比知识重要的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Imagination is more important than knowledge

China tells the world that the era of China's space program is a very important thing for astronauts, because young people usually have stronger and healthier bodies than old people, while others build better and better spaceships. Astronauts are busy working, and doctors are working with them to make them as strong and healthy as athletes. In the future, China will build buildings in space and let people live in a house where people will play in space.




2:,Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited to what we know and understand now, and imagination covers the whole world. Imagination is the key to all knowledge to know and understand. Without imagination, there will never be creativity and creativity.

Aspiring people create and maintain the knowledge of the world. If Plato just studies, he never surpasses The more imaginative thinking is infinite, then it creates its own knowledge, and it can also change. It can have layers of dreams or fantasies, because it can take a person to the farthest corner of the earth and leave you anywhere.

Your favorite situation is everything, always willing to yield to your inner desire. It may be the most important life field In your own imagination, everything can be perfect. The first thing is that human beings can use analogies and metaphors that don't exist in the real world, but they can prove one point.

For example, Jesus said, if you have faith, you can say to this mountain, throw it into the sea, but in the real world, it can't happen. Jesus means that when you accept a possibility that is covered by a mountain of disbelief, an excuse, or when you remove all these things, the reasonable reason why something can't be possible is that the only real belief you have is that God can make the impossibility a reality, but it really takes effort to make it a reality.




3:想象力比知识重要,I know that both of them are very important. Otherwise, I will not ask which more important question is when to accumulate knowledge and imagination. This question is very important.

As far as Chinese society is concerned, I think parents should pay attention to shaping their children's imagination, because Chinese children are not lack of knowledge. In traditional Chinese culture, there are many masters for students It is about Wang Zhifa's first time in such a society that Wang Zhifa, for the first time, imagines that when we laugh at Americans who don't understand mathematics, we reflect on whether they really understand the mystery of mathematics in our memory. They forget reasoning, win tactics but lose strategy.




标签: 专升本 英文 高分 作文 知识

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