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关于”加入角“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Join angle。以下是关于加入角的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Join angle

Our school is very beautiful. When I walk into the main gate, I can see a lot of green trees and colorful flowers. I found a special corner, which attracted me a lot.

Many tall trees covered the corner. I can sit on the balcony. I like reading books or chatting with my friends.

I have a lot of fun here.




2:,English corner, which was established in people's Park three years ago, is responsible for College English Association. It is held regularly from

7:00 to

9:00 every Friday evening. There are fixed themes for everyone to discuss every week.

Most of them are related to people's lives or English speaking countries. English learning has become a popular activity in this city, attracting not only students but also many foreigners People practice English, make new friends and share their English learning experience. Many English learners think that taking part in this activity is helpful to the supplement of school study.




3:加入角,Since we went to school, English is one of our main subjects. The government attaches great importance to English education in the classroom. We have learned grammar and sentence structure for a long time.

Some students are not satisfied with what we have learned in class. They want to speak English fluently. Now English corner has become the main symbol of English learners.

Most of them join in on weekends English corner can improve people's oral ability. Students have less opportunities to speak in class, but in English corner, they can say what they want to say, because there are people from all walks of life in the English corner. People can share their experience with each other.

If you have time, they can learn more from each other. I suggest you add English corner.




标签: 英文 高分 作文 专业

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