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关于”失败后又成功“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Success after failure。以下是关于失败后又成功的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Success after failure

If I don't win or lose, maybe the sky is still blue, but I can see the black sky, maybe the flowers are still beautiful, but I can see the ugly flowers, maybe the sun is still shining, but my world is not the sun, maybe the world has not changed, but my world is changing, the exam is over, but I can't wake up, because I think I did a bad test, but I know Even if you don't do well this time, you can do well next time. Time can't go back. You can do what you can in the future.

I think there is no victory or defeat in the world tomorrow. The sun rises again. We will have a new day.




Failure is a thing in one's life. Almost everyone has experienced failure. When a person fails to do something, he often feels uneasy.

Some people may yield to failure and retreat, but others will persist and achieve ultimate success. Success is everyone's expectation that success will bring fame and wealth. When doing something, he is so excited that he often ignores what he has done The temptation to fail.

As the saying goes, "failure teaches success". Failure is an important factor leading to success. The road to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles.

Many important inventions or discoveries are failed only after hundreds of years. Only those successes that have been achieved after many failures are truly valuable and worthy of praise.




Everyone is afraid of failure, because failure means that what they do is useless, they waste their energy and time, but people's understanding of failure is wrong. In fact, failure is also success. If people want to succeed, they need to take action.

Failure at least means that people have tried, let alone learn from the experience of failure We should take a positive attitude towards failure, we can overcome it quickly, and people can finally win. So when we encounter difficulties, we should not be afraid of bad results, as long as we take action.




标签: 初中 作文 真题

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